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It's all one moment

I change the dawn for the sunset
and I wake up late at the motel
I yawn over a cappuccino
and I pay my dews to my destiny
it's all one moment.
I sign the name as it comes
I often sleep near the window
I put on the mask I decided
and I live the closest time
it's all one moment.
My life is the one I have here
because another one would't fit in
this life is you
this immense heart that
only if I think about it
I feel my soul being tense
my life it's only you
you...just you...
I change love right to the end
only in my moments I spend with you
imagining also a child
I ask my destiny for the change
it's all a moment.
My life is this one I have here
because another one would't fit in
this life is you
this immense heart that
only if I think about it
I feel my soul being tense
my life it's only you
you...just you...
I live in the middle between two hearts
I live inside and I live outside
it's all one moment
you...just you...
Paroles originales

È tutto un attimo

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (italien)

Collections avec « È tutto un attimo »
Don JuanDon Juan
   Dim, 05/07/2015 - 21:56

The base lyrics have been altered, please update your translation.

CherryCrushCherryCrush    Dim, 06/09/2015 - 19:40

The lyrics has been updated, so you may want to amend your translation. :)