• Despina Vandi

    Στα 'δωσα όλα → traduction en anglais→ anglais

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I gave you everything

I appear to be a little leaf
And you the north wind, blowing at me furiously
And taking me, taking me wherever you want
I appear to be a little bottle of sweet wine
Of which you drink, gulp by gulp, every evening until I am spent
But you're worth whatever happens to me
As long as I know that you are well -- My love,
I gave you everything and ended up with nothing
that was how I wanted to express you
that the day you leave I will be destroyed
that's why I gave everything to you with all my heart
my possessions and feelings to remind you
every hour and every minute about how I feel
I appear to be a little flower that you picked
to enjoy its aroma until it wilts
I appear to be a little wallet that you hold
and you take anything you want from it to squander away
But you're worth whatever happens to me
As long as I know that you are well -- My love,
I gave you everything and ended up with nothing
that was how I wanted to express you
that the day you leave I will be destroyed
that's why I gave everything to you with all my heart
my possessions and feelings to remind you
every hour and every minute about how I feel
Paroles originales

Στα 'δωσα όλα

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yogesh.pagaryogesh.pagar    Mar, 03/11/2009 - 21:05

Hello friend,
* Namaste!

Thank you a trillion for translating this song 'Sta Dosa Ola'.
I was truly desperate to know this song..

Plz tell me what is the meaning of title 'Sta Dosa Ola'?
'Mu' is also used quite often, what does that mean?

Thank you once again for your translation :-)
With love & best wishes,
Yogesh Pagar