• Ziad Rahbani

    بلا ولا شي → traduction en anglais

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Without Anything Else

Without anything else
Without anything else, I love you.
And there is no money in this love,
And it's impossible for lands to come in its way
Or any jewellery
Come, let's sit in the shade
This shade belongs to nobody
Love me, and think a little
Without anything else, just you
Without anything else
Without any types of clothes you own
Without any decorative accessories
Without any of my friends.. Or your friends
The annoying ones, and the likeable ones
Come, let's sit in the shade, this shade is for nobody
Love me, and think a little.
Come, let's sit, come let's sit...
Without your mother and father's choirs
Without eyelashes or mascara
Without all the women's weaving [of stories]
Without all this mockery...
Come let's sit in the shade, this shade is for nobody
Love me, and think a little
Without anything else
Paroles originales

بلا ولا شي

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