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Ee Mfumue ee yamba

Mfumu e, mfumu e, mfumu e, mfumu e,
Mfumu e, mfumu e, mfumu e, mfumu ee
Mfumu e, mfumu e, mfumu e, mfumu e,
Mfumu e, mfumu e, mfumu e, mfumu ee
Ee Mfumue, yamba makabo *2
Yamba makabo ya kimenga na beto *2
Tala maboko na mono yo kele mpamba *2
Tala mono kimbeni, nsukami ya nene *2
Nki kima mono talenda pesa na ngeye *2
Mfumu e, mfumu e, *4
Ee mfumu e, yamba mampa *2
Yamba mampa ya kimenga na beto *2
Tala maboko na mono yo kele mpamba *2
Tala mono kimbeni, nsukami ya nene *2
Nki kima mono talenda pesa na ngeye *2
Mfumu e, mfumu e, *4
Ee Mfumu e, yamba vino *2
Yamba vino ya kimenga na beto *2
Tala maboko na mono yo kele mpamba *2
Tala mono kimbeni, nsukami ya nene *2
Nki kima mono talenda pesa na ngeye *2
Mfumu e, mfumu e, *4
Ee Mfumu e, yamba cholare *2
Yamba cholare ya kimenga na beto *2

Lord, receive

Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord
Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord
Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord
Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord
Lord, receive these offerings from our city
Receive these offerings that are the fruit of our labor
Look at my hands, they are empty.
Look at me, a poor sinner
What do I really have to give you
What can I give you
Oh Lord, receive this bread
Receive this bread that is the fruit of our labor
Look at my hands, they are empty.
Look at me, a poor sinner
What do I really have to give you
What can I give you
Oh Lord, receive this wine
Receive this wine that is the fruit of our labor
Look at my hands, they are empty.
Look at me, a poor sinner
What do I really have to give you
What can I give you
Lord, receive this choir
Receive this choir, which is the fruit of our labor
L’auteur·e de cette traduction a demandé une relecture. Cela signifie qu’il ou elle sera ravi·e de recevoir des remarques, corrections, suggestions, etc. Si vous avez des notions dans ces deux langues, n’hésitez pas à ajouter un commentaire.
Emmanuel KapiteinEmmanuel Kapitein    Jeu, 02/06/2022 - 05:52

Hi Mr. Arsène for your essential contribution to the understanding of the religious field of offer. However, there are two mistakes and not the least that go on the horizon of your translation. The first is indeed the term kibeni and not kimbeni. Which would translate in this way by myself or by another meaning: in reality. KIMBENI which would result in enmity or lack of love or affection if not tenderness for the context, the term KIMBENI is very inappropriate. In addition, the gracious and faithful translation of Abbot Bony is also faithful. Since of himself, he is emeritus in the matter. It is also necessary to pay more attention to the interpretation of the word NSUKAMI and NSUMUKI which both have different understandings. The NSUKAMI in the kikongo of this diocese and in the mouth of the composer takes on the meaning of the poor Anawim (Bible) of Yahwe while the NSUMUKI takes on the meaning of the poor sinner. Tune your violins please ...

   Ven, 23/09/2022 - 09:14

Où peut on trouver la traduction d’Abbot Bony ? Emmanuel Kapitein ne m’a pas répondu. Dommage!