• Serbian Folk

    Ivanova Korita → traduction en anglais→ anglais

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Ivanova Korita

Bol boluje lijepa Anka
pojila je vodom majka
bistrom vodom sa izvora
sa korita Ivanova
Lijecili je svi ljekari
i vracare i travari
ali Anka cezne, vene
zbog ljubavi izgubljene
Ne pomaze voda, majko
sa korita Ivanova
ni ljekari ni travari
ne pomaze voda, majko
sa korita Ivanova
lijek su mi, stara moja
medna usta Jovanova
Zaplakala stara majka
ozdraviti nece Anka
uvenuce zumbul plavi
umrijece od ljubavi
Ti ne placi, majko stara
lijepa Anka progovara
u snu mi se Jova javi
ozdravicu od ljubavi

Ivanova Korita

Beautiful Anka is sick
Mother gave her to drink water,
the clear water from the stream
of Korita Ivanova
All the doctors have been treated her,
All the medicine-mеn and all the herbalists
But Anka is withering and dissapearing
because of unhappy love
The water won't help, oh mother,
The water of Korita Ivanova (won't help me...)
Neither the doctors nor the herbalists
The water won't help, oh mother,
The water of Korita Ivanova (won't help me...)
The only thing that can help me is John's honey lips
Then old mother started crying:
"Anka cannot be healed!
She'll wither like hyacinth,
She'll die because of love!"
"Don't cry you, oh my old mother!"
the beatiful Anka spoke
"John had come to me in my dream
And healed me from love"
L’auteur·e de cette traduction a demandé une relecture. Cela signifie qu’il ou elle sera ravi·e de recevoir des remarques, corrections, suggestions, etc. Si vous avez des notions dans ces deux langues, n’hésitez pas à ajouter un commentaire.