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I Sleep On The Roses

Too much noise
for too many nights which thinking,
when the absence waltzes
in this ball..
Your silence is a shouting which hurts..
I guess
your face on the shadows.
The gloomy memories
assassinate me.
I sleep on the roses
which sign my cross.
The pain is necessary..
But I don't dare
missing you
in my nights
in the rain
in the laughs
in the worst
of my life
Too much noise
for my mind which pitching,
On my exsanguine dreams
what an odd dance..
The memory is a well of suffering..
your forbidden body,
my hung love
is swinging.
I sleep on the roses
which sign my cross
The pain is necessary
But I don't dare
Gently touching the things
bloom without you
Oh! My rose
Do not fade
I miss you
in my nights
in the rain
in the laughs
in the worst
of my life
I hate the roses
as much as my sobs
Life is required
I believe again
In my deceased dreams
I finally want
to dare the fever
the scent
of roses.
Paroles originales

Je dors sur des roses

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