• I Girasoli

    La mamma di Rosina → traduction en anglais

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Rosina's Mother

Rosina's mother was jealous,
bim bam bum, she grabbed a knife, and cut the salami,
Rosina love me, for charity's sake,
she didn't even send her to fetch the water,
with her black and white eyes,
she didn't even send her to fetch the water.
One day she got up early and went to the mill,
bim bam bum, she grabbed a knife, and cut the salami,
Rosina love me, for charity's sake,
one day she got up early,
with her black and white eyes,
but found the miller asleep.
Wake up miller now that it's daytime,
bim bam bum, she grabbed a knife, and cut the salami,
Rosina love me, for charity's sake,
Wake up miller,
with her black and white eyes,
for I have to grind this flour.
And since you've come my Rosina,
bim bam bum, she grabbed a knife, and cut the salami,
Rosina love me, for charity's sake,
I want to grind you,
with your black and white eyes,
I want to grind you fine, fine.
And while the millstone grinds,
bim bam bum, she grabbed a knife, and cut the salami,
Rosina love me, for charity' sake,
he clutched her to his chest,
with her black and white eyes,
he clutched her to his chest and kissed her.
Keep your hands off me, miller,
bim bam bum, she grabbed a knife, and cut the salami,
Rosina love me, for charity's sake,
I have six brothers,
with black and white eyes,
I have six brothers, who will kill you.
Rosina's mother was jealous,
bim bam bum, she grabbed a knife, and cut the salami,
Rosina love me, for charity's sake,
she didn't even send her to fetch the water,
with her black and white eyes,
she didn't even send her to fetch the water.
Even to fetch the water,
with her black and white eyes,
she didn't even send her to fetch the water! ..
Paroles originales

La mamma di Rosina

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Expressions idiomatiques dans « La mamma di Rosina »