• Noé Preszow

    La vie courante → traduction en anglais

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Everyday Life

I love you like Russian roulette, I love you but I have no love left
I love you but the world took everything from me, I love you - I leave you here
I love you as I can, I love you but nothing saves me anymore
the world bent my ideals, as they say, case closed
I love you in all the pictures, I love you in all the poems, I love you but I said it a little too much
I love you in all prayers, I love you like I know how to love
I love you but I'm exhausted from the cross I bear, like they say, case closed
I love you on the round table when friends of mine offer drinks
while I plan to destroy the world
I love you without a landmark, I love you in all futures, in all the violins of space
In the uproar, in the murmur, and in all of the hearts that broke
I love you in the last corridor, in the crack of an open door
I love you in all my memory lapses, in all the party aftermaths
I love you like the victory we were when we were two hurricanes,
two orphans who were against the fortress of an age where we were grown-ups
I love you among the sailboat and then in all the voices of my love,
in reinforced concrete, that time itself won't damage
I love you like Russian roulette, I love you like a cannon on the heart, I love you like in my last words, as they say, case closed
I love you in all my wounds, in all of February
I love you in all my ruptures, in all the loves that have been shot
In all the loves of youth, in all the loves of always
In all forbidden loves, in all illicit loves
In all of love's upside downs, in all of the impossible loves that won't make it through winter
In all the unspeakable loves, in all the crooked loves
When I swing between your fingers, when I hold on to your nerves and love doesn't know it
In all the invisible loves that betrayed each other, re-read illegible letters, so what?
In all the loves that die, in all the misfortuned loves
who make the heart skip a beat and kiss on their fingernails
and who sob for pleasure, who grow old never to grow old
who end to never end, who die never to die
and who grow and grow, and who subsist
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La vie courante

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Expressions idiomatiques dans « La vie courante »