• Emel Mathlouthi

    ما لقيت → traduction en anglais→ anglais

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I didn't find

I didn't find a place to walk on with my eyes closed
I didn't find one friend who knows what to tell me
I didn't find a sea wave , wave that sails me far away
I didn't find talk to say my unsure opinion
I didn't find something to explain , explain the meaning of what is happening
I didn't find a melody that breaks , breaks human's anger
I didn't find my people
I didn't find my family
I didn't find rest
I didn't find happiness
I didn't find my way
I didn't find a burning star that would set my feeling on fire
I didn't find talk to express my unsure opinion
I didn't find something to explain , explain the meaning of what is happening
I didn't find a melody that breaks , breaks human's anger
I didn't find my people
I didn't find my family
I didn't find rest
I didn't find happiness
I didn't find my way
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ما لقيت

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y4reny4ren    Sam, 28/08/2021 - 06:55

thank you so much for this!! btw what does ثنيتي mean