• Un amour de vacances → traduction en anglais

  • 2 traductions
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A summer romance

The intoxicating perfume of the summer
Cradled us in its arms
In the abyss of your passionate eyes
Beautiful and fragile, you dragged me in
It's a summer romance
A one night stand
But which we think back to
With eyes full of sorrow
With the same helplessness
Faced with the murderous time
Whose indolence orphans
There is not a single moment
That I'm not thinking of you
Even when the thunder roars
I hear the sound of your voice
This voice unique in all the world
That repeats to me a hundred times
"I love you, I love you" don't you leave
But with our love hardly taking shape
We had to be separated
And the shore was slowly emptied
Of our pictures scattered in the wind
It's a summer romance
A one night stand
But which we think back to
With eyes full of sorrow
With the same helplessness
Faced with the murderous time
Whose indolence orphans
There is not a single moment
That I'm not thinking of you
Even when the thunder roars
I hear the sound of your voice
This voice unique in all the world
That repeats to me a hundred times
"I love you, I love you" don't you forget me
It's a summer romance
A one night stand
But which we think back to
With eyes full of sorrow
With the same helplessness
Faced with the murderous time
Whose indolence orphans
There is not a single moment
That I'm not thinking of you
Even when the thunder roars
I hear the sound of your voice
This voice unique in all the world
That repeats to me a hundred times
"I love you, I love you" don't you forget me
It's a summer romance
A one night stand
But which we think back to
With eyes full of sorrow
With the same helplessness
Faced with the murderous time
Whose indolence orphans
There is not a single moment
That I'm not thinking of you
Even when the thunder roars
I hear the sound of your voice
This voice unique in all the world
That repeats to me a hundred times
"I love you, I love you" don't you forget me
It's a summer romance
A one night stand
But which we think back to
With eyes full of sorrow
With the same helplessness
Faced with the murderous time...
Paroles originales

Un amour de vacances

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silencedsilenced    Jeu, 09/07/2020 - 15:14

à peine notre amour esquissé -> as I understand it, it's not about their love being hard to see, rather just beginning, like a drawing taking shape.

Emika AllensEmika Allens
   Jeu, 09/07/2020 - 20:14

Yeah, I got that it has a meaning similar to "outlined" but I didn't know how to express it. I was thinking maybe I vould put something like "hardly formed". I'm not sure how it sounds though.

silencedsilenced    Jeu, 09/07/2020 - 20:16

what about "hardly taking shape"? Just trying my English like a little kid eagery awaiting the validation of grown-ups :)

Emika AllensEmika Allens
   Jeu, 09/07/2020 - 20:20

That didn't cross my mind actually! It's exactly what I've been struggling to come up with all day long! Thanks!  :)

silencedsilenced    Jeu, 09/07/2020 - 20:31

Yay! You made the little kid very happy :)