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Dark night

The dark, dark night, only bullets are swinging the steppe,
Only wind blows are buzzing in wires. Stars are twinkling dully.
On the dark night, I know, darling, you mustn't sleep,
sitting at baby bed, yes, I feel, you are wiping the tears.
Oh, how I love, how I love depth of your tender eyes,
Oh, how I want, how I want to press my lips to them now !
A dark, dark night separates us, my dear and sole,
And a vast space of darkness and winds lays between ourselves.
I have a faith, faith in you dear girl, battle friend,
This belief takes me carefully from a bullet in darkness...
And I'm enjoyed, I am cool in this blood-river fight,
I know, I'll be met by my girl, anyway and with love.
Death is not dread, we have often met Him on the way.
Even, just now, He is whirling above myself.
You wait for me, sitting at baby bed, yes, I feel.
That's why I know perfectly well, nothing will happened to me.
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