• Piknik (Russia)

    Настоящие Дни → English translation

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Настоящие Дни

Это выстрел в висок, изменяющий бег,
Это черный чулок на загорелой ноге,
Это страх темноты, страх, что будет потом,
Это чьи-то шаги за углом, это...
Это камень в руке, это лезвие бритв -
Настоящие дни, настоящие дни,
Это ждущие свет люди в серых пальто -
Настоящие дни, да, да, это...
Если будет день - значит тени не в счет,
Если харакири - то кривым мечом,
Если тушат свет - значит, грех так грех,
Если минарет - значит выше всех,
Выше всех,выше всех!
Это выстрел в висок, изменяющий бег,
Это черный чулок на загорелой ноге,
Это страх темноты, страх, что будет потом -
Настоящие дни, да, да, это...
Если будет день - значит тени не в счет,
Если харакири - то кривым мечом,
Если тушат свет - значит, грех так грех,
Если минарет - значит выше всех,
Выше всех, выше всех!

These Days

It's a shot in the head, that is changing the race,
It's a black stocking torn on the suntanned leg apace,
It's a fear of the dark, fear of what happens next,
It is somebody's steps round the corner, it's...
It's a stone in the hand, it's a sharp razor blade -
It's the days of our lives, these are days when we prayed,
It's the men in gray coats, who are waiting for light,
These are days of our lives, yes, yes, these are...
If there is a day, then the shadows don't count,
If it's harakiri, then with old curved sword,
If they put out lights, then the sin is gross,
If it's minaret, then above it all, oh, oh-oh-oh, oh,
Then above it all!
It's a shot in the head, that is changing the race,
It's a black stocking torn on the suntanned leg apace,
It's a fear of the dark, fear of what happens next,
These are days of our lives, yes, yes, these are...
If there is a day, then the shadows don't count,
If it's harakiri, then with old curved sword,
If they put out lights, then the sin is gross,
If it's minaret, then above it all,
Above it all, above it all!
Above it all, above it all!
ciganycigany    Fri, 24/12/2021 - 00:42

can you tell me what that song is about, i mean what it is understood to be about in russian? i can´t decide whether i like it or not.

St. SolSt. Sol
   Fri, 24/12/2021 - 00:53

In short, it is about the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, uncertainty about the future, fear of change, and coming political and religious unrest.

ciganycigany    Sat, 25/12/2021 - 11:09

thanks for your answer. i specifically wondered: why minaret? isnt that the least of russias worries? it´s such strong lyrics and my feeling sais i like this song, but i don´t want to applaud people who condemn religions as a whole. it just seems to do more damage than good.
yes, russia had its nightmare in afghanistan with the taliban. but the taliban is not islam.