• Lepa Brena

    Jugoslovenka → traduction en anglais→ anglais

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Where are you from, pretty girl
who gave birth to the blue eye
who gave you the golden hair
who made you so passionate
Chorus x2
My eyes are Adriatic sea
my hair is Panonian wheat
wistful is my Sloven soul
I'm Yugoslavian
Where are you from, pretty girl
where did you grow, spring flower
where free sun is warming you
when you dance so seductively
Chorus 2x
Where are you from, pretty stranger (girl)
where have you been stealing sun's shine
where were you drinking honey wine
when your kiss is so sweet
Chorus 2x
Paroles originales


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Diazepan MedinaDiazepan Medina
   Jeu, 22/02/2024 - 17:51

The source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.