• Fritz Wunderlich

    Dein ist mein ganzes Herz → traduction en anglais→ anglais

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All of My Heart is Yours

All of my heart is yours
Where you are not, I cannot be.
Just like a flower withers
If it's not kissed by the sunshine!
Yours is my finest song
Because it blossoms from love alone.
Tell me one more time, my only love,
Oh, one more time say to me:
"I love you!"
Wherever I may go,
I feel your presence.
I want to drink your breath
And fall to your feet praying
Just for you alone! How wonderful
Is your brilliant hair!
Beautiful like a dream and anxiously wistful
Is the bright glance of your eyes.
When I hear your voice
It sounds like music to me.
All of my heart is yours
Where you are not, I cannot be.
Just like a flower withers
If it's not kissed by the sunshine!
Yours is my finest song
Because it blossoms from love alone.
Tell me one more time, my only love,
Oh, one more time say to me:
"I love you!"
Paroles originales

Dein ist mein ganzes Herz

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