• Souad Massi

    إنت و أنا → traduction en anglais→ anglais

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I and You

I erased the written words/I didn’t leave a single letter written down
Like a downpour that breaks out and sweeps clean/The roads and rooftops
I erase and my heart throbs
I feel empty and time stands still
I closed the book I had started to read/Like you when you closed your hands
I couldn’t bear the story/Because you are in my thoughts
I reached its end without realizing it
This story is difficult for me … period
You and I/Are like the sun and the moon
The first burns, the second testifies, helpless against torture
You and I/Are like night and day
As one appears, the other vanishes
On my cheek, he sketched jasmine/I asked him to draw this garden
Rake me like the leaves/That autumn has vowed to take
Make strings from my hair/When you reach the mountains
Let me see the color of the sky/And let the clouds lament
We are a paradise in a desert/A free horse that escapes
We are like a wave and a wing/What space will suffice for us!
We are such shy guests, heartache awaits us
At dusk, they bring out the shackles/And our hands are bound up
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إنت و أنا

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Expressions idiomatiques dans « إنت و أنا »