• Sangiovanni

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DJ, don't play the song
'cause every time it sounds my heart breaks,
'cause every time I think of him I feel like I'm going to go crazy
because I don't have my baby
and I still want him here.
That kiss was for me
but it will no longer be,
I don't want to lose you.
Why do you leave so easily?
I'm still here, only thinking of you.
And I haven't told anyone,
I lost my mind and I'm crazy about you.
Today butterflies no longer fly,
there are no roses left,
like the ones you used to give me in the summer.
And tonight, no-no-no nothing will be the same,
to dance without you, I don't know how to dance.
The music doesn't sound the same-ae-ae-ame.
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh.
Another empty night thinking,
'Why did he leave?'
Another night where I didn't forget.
Yes, I'm this way - ow, I don't know if I cried
but I didn't cry anymore - never mind,
no, at least I tried
not to call you and I didn't
because nothing feels right without you.
I'm no longer going to cry,
I swear I won't cry
even though I know I won't forget it
because nothing feels right without you.
Today butterflies no longer fly,
there are no roses left,
like the ones you used to give me in the summer.
And tonight, no-no-no nothing will be the same,
to dance without you, I don't know how to dance.
The music doesn't sound the same-ae-ae-ame.
Butterflies fly under the light bulbs
drawn as if by the sunlight
like me who, amidst billions of people,
is coming towards you.
Today butterflies no longer fly,
there are no roses left,
like the ones you used to give me in the summer.
And tonight, no-no-no nothing will be the same,
to dance without you, I don't know how to dance.
The music doesn't sound the same-ae-ae-ame.
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh.
Butterflies aren't flying.
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh.
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