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Hast du es jemals regnen sehen?

Jemand erzählte mir vor langer Zeit,
Dass dem Sturm eine Stille vorausgeht.
Ich weiß das;
Der lässt aber immer noch auf sich warten.
Wenn er vorbei ist, so sagt man,
Dann regnet es einen sonnigen Tag lang.
Ich weiß;
Dann scheint es hernieder wie Wasser.
Ich wüsste gern:
Hast du es jemals regnen sehen?
Ich wüsste gern:
Hast du jemals den Regen herniederfallen sehen,
Einen sonnigen Tag lang?
Gestern und Tage zuvor
Ist die Sonne kalt und der Regen hart.
Ich weiß;
So war das eigentlich schon immer für mich.
So geht das weiter für alle Zeiten,
Durch den Kreislauf, mal schnell, mal langsam
Ich weiß;
Ich frage mich, ob das jemals aufhören kann.

Have You Ever Seen the Rain?

Klicken, um den Originaltext zu sehen (Englisch)

   Di, 23/02/2016 - 04:08

Gute Uebersetzung. Ich glaube im Refrain ist die beide "Have you ever seen the rain"'s verbindet mit "comin' down a sunny day."

Gut zu wissen: Anscheinend geht dieses Lied um die bevorstehende Aufloesung der Band: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Have_You_Ever_Seen_the_Rain%3F

Also "shinin' down a sunny day" Bedeuet wenn alles toll aussah (mit Erfolg und Geld) aber doch fuehlten sich die Bandglieder elend.

CoopysnoopyCoopysnoopy    Di, 23/02/2016 - 11:45

"A hard rain" isn't "ein starker Regen" in German, perhaps?

   Di, 23/02/2016 - 15:11

>"Sun is cold and rain is hard," ist wahrscheinlich als Metapher gemeint.
Der ganze Song ist eine einzige Metapher, wie mir scheint.

   Di, 23/02/2016 - 17:20

Metaphor oder nicht ich glaube "rain is hard" bedeutet "it rains hard", "es regnet heftig". Es gibt ein Idiom, "when it rains, it pours (ie, rains very hard)," bedeutend dass wenn etwas Sclimmes geschiet, gescehen auch andere schlimme Dinge.

sandringsandring    Di, 23/02/2016 - 18:20

It's been coming... It's over... (it=the storm) Er kündigt sich ... Er vorbei ist...

   Mi, 24/02/2016 - 01:24

that means: It has been coming (be-)for some time. =
It has come and is still on.

   Mi, 24/02/2016 - 03:54

It has been coming for some time-The storm has been approaching for some time- Der Sturm wird naeher und naher schon seit lange her. "For some time" ist FUER lange Zeit, nicht VOR lange Zeit.

sandringsandring    Mi, 24/02/2016 - 20:04

Sorry, guys, "coming down a sunny day" isn't "coming down on a sunny day". A sunny day hasn't come yet. "It'll rain a sunny day" isn't "It'll rain on a sunny day".

   Mi, 24/02/2016 - 20:11

I know, it can rain cats and dogs.
Can it rain sunny days, too?

   Mi, 24/02/2016 - 22:54

Yes, "it'll rain a sunny day" means that it will rain on a sunny day(that has not happened yet). Not that it will rain a single sunny day on some poor unsuspecting fellow. Walking along a rainy Tuesday afternoon and suddenly it's Monday and a sunny one at that. John Fogerty sings with a heavy southern drawl and style of speech (though he doesn't really talk like that). It's not uncommon for prepositions to be omitted in slang.

To clarify what I said before "it" in "It's been comin'" refers to the storm, but the "it" in "when it's over" refers to the calm.

sandringsandring    Do, 25/02/2016 - 04:10

https://lyricstranslate.com/en/f%C3%BCr-mich-solls-rote-rosen-regnen-it-... Here's something to avoid doubts while translating into German without the preposition. The preposition is not just missing, it means the rain will bring a sunny day. Have you ever seen the rain Comin' down a sunny day? =Have you ever seen the rain ending up with (or turning into a sunny day) Hansi, you're right, it's a metaphor. Questionfinder, are you serious about a heavy southern drawl? Where the heck could John have picked up southern drawl if he grew up in California? Here's southern drawl to you.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAOVRkSCWmg

   Do, 25/02/2016 - 04:41

Those two songs aren't really analogous. He actually means that roses should fall from the sky for him there. Not that rain will bring roses after the fact. Well, it's a metaphor as well, but the image is of roses falling from the sky.

In any case, I don't think there's anything further I can add that will change anyone's opinion on this so, I'll leave it at that. For the record, John Fogerty is definitely singing in a (pretended) southern accent.

   Do, 25/02/2016 - 08:11

> but the image is of roses falling from the sky

Not quite. When Germans hear this metaphor, they don't have the image of roses raining down from the sky but of being showered by roses thrown by people as an act of reverence for an actor on stage.

   Fr, 26/02/2016 - 01:55

Its the same in english, but thats the metaphor of the metaphor. Literally, "raining roses" means that roses are falling from the sky. At least in english

   Fr, 26/02/2016 - 02:22

I'm not too familiar with the theatre, but I haven't heard of, or seen an actor/actress being thrown roses at on stage, as a sign of acknowledgement for her/his great performance.
To me, it is a metaphor.

   Fr, 26/02/2016 - 02:30

I don't think anyone's questioning that it's a metaphor, but rather what the metaphor is/means.

sandringsandring    Do, 25/02/2016 - 05:24

Dear Questionfinder! I absolutely agree with you that the meaning is different. I just aimed at showing Hansi it's possible to technically omit the preposition. So it's up to Hansi to decide what to do. We've given him a fishing rod, haven't we? Thank you for your valuable input. I'm listening to southern drawl - "I'm A Man Of Constant Sorrow". Just love it!!!!!! I'm signing off here, too! Thanks, everybody! :)

   Do, 25/02/2016 - 08:05

I consider "It's been comin for some time" ("it" referring to the storm) to be quite sarcastic. Like "Yeah right, it's been prophesized for quite some time but still nowhere to be seen".

I'd translate the first lines like this:

"Schon vor langer Zeit sagte jemand zu mir
Daß eine Stille den Sturm vorankündigt
Schon klar
Der läßt aber ganz schön auf sich warten"

I also agree with sandring. If it simply meant "It will rain on *a* sunny day", where is the poetry and deeper meaning in that? It rains on sunny days all the time.
Metaphorically, the chorus means "Did you never see a catastrophe ushering in good times?" or, more pessimistically, "Has it really ever happened that bad things turned out to be good in the end?".

sandringsandring    Do, 25/02/2016 - 08:51

The last line is absolutely correct. Here's my full interpretation of the song or my freckled childish icon will be hanging around here till forever.
"Everything's OK in my life, nice and quiet but they say there's a calm before a storm and I've noticed some signs the storm has been approaching. When the storm is over in terms of hardships or problems it's followed by rain but people say that rain will inevitably turn into a sunny day like a white stripe must change a black stripe. But what's going on in my life? It's raining hard on and on with no sunny day in view. The singer asks the audience: Have you ever had it in your real life that the rain (a black stripe) changed for a sunny day or it's just cheap talk? Can you share your personal experience about that and tell me that everything will be alright in the end?
I've had my say. Hurrah! 8)

   Do, 25/02/2016 - 09:24

I disagree with the first lines ("Everything's OK in my life").
My interpretation:
"Things are not going well for me. I'm waiting for a big change to usher in better times. People often say that there's always some hardship involved before things turn for the better, but I've been waiting a long time now and am not optimistic it's gonna happen anytime soon. So please tell me, have you ever *actually* had that experience? Can you assure me it makes sense to have hope?"

IOW, the "storm" is what brings on change for the better whereas the "calm" is the bad times he's in right now.

sandringsandring    Do, 25/02/2016 - 10:29

("Everything's OK in my life" is the beginning (a calm before the storm), then the storm and then what you're writing about. Let's have mercy on Hansi. He's smart, he's able to figure that out! I'm over and out!!!!

   Do, 25/02/2016 - 15:37

I'm sure of that, too, I know him from another translation site. ;)

So you interpret "Sun is cold and rain is hard // I know // Been that way for all my time" not as "nothing's OK in my life, and never was" but rather as "change has always been a bad experience for me"?
OK, in that sense, your interpretation would be correct. I understand your point of view now and stand corrected. Thanks a lot! :)

   Mo, 29/02/2016 - 09:20

As my German teacher used to say, "whatever interpretation you can (sensibly) base on the text is correct". :-)

   Mo, 29/02/2016 - 19:50

There is lots of bytes left over for a second version...

   Mi, 02/03/2016 - 09:29

Der Song steckt voller Metaphern und spielt damit, absurde Gegensätze einander gegenüber zustellen.
(So ungefähr wie: "Dunkel war's, die Sonn schien helle...". Kennst du ja, oder?)

"It'll rain a sunny day" -> Es wird einen sonnigen Tag regnen
An einem sonnigen Tag kann es auch mal regnen, das wäre nichts ungewöhnliches.
Man könnte es so wörtlich übersetzen, dass es einen sonnigen Tag regnet, so, wie es Kritik hageln kann.
Derartiges ist in unserem Sprachgebrauch aber schwer zu verstehen.

Wenn es aber einen sonnigen Tag (lang) regnet, dann kann es eigentlich kein sonniger Tag mehr sein.
Für mein Gefühl wollte Fogerty genau soetwas sagen.

   Mi, 02/03/2016 - 09:31

Ach, jetzt hab ich's erst kapiert!
Nein, ist natürlich ein Fehler.
Danke für den Hinweis!