• Sephardic Folk

    Avrix mi galanica → English translation

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Avrix mi galanica

Avrix mi galanica, que ya va'manecer
Avrir yo vos avro, mi lindo amor
La noche yo no durmo, pensando en vos
Mi padre'sta meldando, mos oyera
Amatalde la luzezica'si se dormira
Amatalde la luzezica'si s'echera
Mi madre'sta cuziendo, mos oyera
Pedrelde la algujica'si se dormira... s'echera
Mi hermano'sta'scriviendo, mos oyera
Pendrelde la pendolica'si se dormira... s'echera

Up, my love

Up, my love, it is already day!
I cannot open to you, my handsome love.
At night I do not sleep, thinking of you.
My father is reading, he will hear us.
Put out the light and he will sleep.
Put out the light and he will lie down again.
My mother is sewing, she will hear us.
Hide the needle and she will sleep.
Hide the needle and she will sleep.
My brother is writing, he will hear us.
Hide the pen and he will sleep.