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The Girl from Ipanema

Look, what a beautiful thing
So graceful
She is the girl
That comes and goes by
In her sweet swing heading to the sea
Girl of the golden brown tan
From the Ipanema sun
Her swing is more than a poem
She is the most beautiful thing that I've ever seen going by
Ah, why am I so alone?
Ah, why is everything so sad?
Ah, the beauty that exists
The beauty that is not only mine
That also goes by alone
Ah, if she knew
That when she goes by
The whole world fills with joy
And it becomes more beautiful
Because of love
Original lyrics

Garota de Ipanema

Click to see the original lyrics (Portuguese)

wwjasewwjase    Tue, 01/02/2011 - 11:59

@NYUU: Fantastic translation! Thanks. Would the line, "O mundo inteirinho se enche de graça" be "The whole world fills with joy", or am I taking it too literally?

dthescribedthescribe    Thu, 11/08/2016 - 14:21

Thank you kindly for the translation. I dont understand Portuguese but I guessed the lyrics were much more poetic than the trite stuff N Gimbel wrote to Tom's wonderful music. It must have been painful for both Vinicius and Tom when they heard them.