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يا حبيبي كلما هب الهوا

يا حبيبي كلّما هبّ الهوا
وشَدا البلبل نجوى حُبِّهِ
لفّني الوجد وأضناني الهوى
كَفَراشٍ ليس يدري ما بِهِ
صُغْ لقلبي يا حبيبي حُلُما
من سنا الصبْح وغدر الغَلَسِ
لُمَّني من وَحْشَةِ العُمْرِ كَمَا
لمَّتْ النسمة عِطر النَرْجِسِ
يا زمان الحبِّ هل رُجْعَى إلى
عهدنا والروض زهرٌ يَبْسُمُ
ننهبُ الفرصة والليل حلا
بالأغاني ودَعانا الموسمُ
يوم جئناهُ فأبدى سَقَمَا
وتَهادى بحرير المَلْبَسِ
أشْرَقَتْ عيناهُ سحراً مثلما
يشرقُ الصُبْحُ بيومٍ مُشْمِسِ

My Beloved, Whenever Air Blows

My beloved, whenever air blows
And the nightingale warbles the melody of its passion
Ecstasy wraps me up and love weakens me
Like a butterfly unaware of what has happened
Create a dream for me, my darling,
From the gleam of the dawn and the last line of darkness
Round me up from solitude of life
Like the waft rounded up the attar of the amaryllis
Oh time of love, is there a way back to where we were before,
Where the parterre was all flowers smiling
Grabbing the chance and the night sweetened
With songs and we were the ones time was inviting
When we came in, (time) was staggering
With its silky apparel in a malingering way
Then its eyes glistened with magic just like
A new dayspring shines in a sunny day