• Charles Aznavour

    Être → traduction en anglais

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To Be

To be, the revival of my birth
In the dawn of the chalk
under the Blood moon
at the end of a dying winter
To be, emerging from the silence
seeing the brightness of the sun
the frosts of my heart
foretelling of a better spring
To be, the fruit and the seed
inside a depleted soil
flourishing in exile
like a tree bursting in April
To be, learning to know me
keeping eyes wide open
and nothing but being just a flesh
For loving until death
and beyond, may be!
To be, soul separating from the body
for loving until death
same "may be" still.
To be, the voices of my castaways
the verb "re-find again"
washed off all faults
exhausting the road of expressions
To be, to avoid blackmailing
common place
extinguishing my volcano of angers
to subdue and straddle my times
To be, the gesture who engages
the future of re-thinking
the architect of return
Simply said, the ritual of the Love.
To be, dying for a better re-birth
The lies of the former days
and to be not more being
Living is To be....
For dying until death
and beyond, may be!
To be, soul separating from the body
for loving until death
same "may be" still.
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