• Fairuz

    لبيروت → traduction en anglais→ anglais

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من قلبي سلامٌ لبيروت
و قُبلٌ للبحر و البيوت
لصخرةٍ كأنها وجه بحارٍ قديمِ
هي من روحِ الشعب خمرٌ
هي من عرقِهِ خبزٌ و ياسمين
فكيف صار طعمها طعم نارٍ و دخانِ
مجدٌ من رمادٍ لبيروت
من دمٍ لولدٍ حُملَ فوق يدها
أطفأت مدينتي قنديلها
أغلقت بابها
أصبحت في السماء وحدها...
وحدها و ليلُ
أنتِ لي أنتِ لي
أه عانقيني أنتِ لي
رايتي و حجرُ الغدِ و موج سفري
أزهرت جراح شعبي
أزهرت دمعة الأمهات..
أنتِ بيروت لي
أنتِ لي
آه عانقيني

To Beirut

I send a greeting... from my heart to Beirut
I send kisses to the sea and to the houses
to a rock that looks like
and old sailor's face
Beirut has been wine made from the soul of the people
It has been bread and jasmines made from their sweat
then why does it taste now
like fire and smoke?
To Beirut... a glory made of ashes
To Beirut... made of the blood of a son
that was held on her arm
My city has turned off its lantern
It has shut its door...and it has become alone in the night
alone with the night
I send a greeting... from my heart to Beirut
I send kisses to the sea and to the houses
to a rock that looks like
and old sailor's face
You are mine... Your are mine... oh embrace me, to me
you are my flag, tomorrow's stone and a travel wave
My people's wounds have finally blossomed...
as well as the tears of the mothers...
Beirut, you are mine... mine... oh embrace me