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    Omni Die → traduction en anglais→ anglais

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All Day Long

All day long tell Mary's
praise, my soul,
her celebrations, her deeds
venerate, the most splendid ones
Fully beautiful one without sign
of any flaw whatsoever,
make me pure and pleasant
to praise thee persistently
so that I may be guiltless and moderate,
sweet, flattering, sober,
devout, righteous, prudent,
not knowing enmity,
instructed and protected
by divine declarations
god-revering and adorned
by sacred exercises1
Holy virgin, perceive how great
trials we endure
continually and support us
so that we may stand strong
Be guardian and helper
of the christian people
Preserve peace, so that troublesome
ages won't disturb us
  • 1. or "by rites and exercises"
Paroles originales

Omni Die

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Natur ProvenceNatur Provence    Mer, 28/03/2018 - 15:43

"not knowing enmity": wäre für simultas nicht jealousy die bessere Übersetzung?