• Hamza Namira

    تسمحي → traduction en anglais→ anglais

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تسمحي لي يامّه من وقتك شوية؟
أنسى جنبك حِمل شايله تقيل عليا
وزي عادتك تسمعيني
لو بكيت.. استحمليني
يامّه زادت قسوة الأيام عليا
كل يوم بقى يشبه اليوم اللي عدّى
كلمتين مش مفهومين على دمعة شاردة
حتى لون الدنيا باهت
والمعاني ف قلبي تاهت
خوفي لا تطوّل علينا الشِّدة ديّه
ما دريتيش يامّه اللي حاصل وانتي غايبه؟
حالنا مال بعدك خلاص الدنيا سايبه
شوفتي حتى ابن اللئيمة
والله بان وبقالُه قيمة
الجبان لقى فرصة يتشطّر عليّا
قبل ما امشي باسألِك.. مش عايزة حاجة؟
لسه برضه ساكتة مش هتقولي حاجة؟
بُكرة هتقومي بالسلامة
ياللي شيلتي الهمّ ياما
ترجعيلنا يامّه زي زمان بهيّة
ترجعيلنا يامّه زي زمان بهيّة

Can you spare me

Mother, can you spare a moment?
I want to forget by your side my heavy burden
Listen to me as you always do
Bear with me, if I cry
Mother, the world's harshness has become too much for me
Mother, the world's harshness has become too much for me
Every day is like the one before it
A few incoherent words mixed with a lonely tear
Even the colour of the world has become so pale and lifeless
Any sense of purpose in my heart is lost
And I fear that things will only get worse
And I fear that things will only get worse
Mother, don't you know what happened when you were away?
After you, our situation has become so bad, and our world has turned into chaos
Have you seen how even these scumbags...
Have now come out of their holes and become respectable and held in high regard?
The cowards have seized the oppurtunity to beat me
The cowards have seized the oppurtunity to beat me
Before I leave, I wanted to ask if you need anything?
Why are you still silent, won't you say anything?
Tomorrow you will be well again
You who carried so many burdens for so long
I pray you come back to us, Mother, like the old days, strong and splendid
I pray you come back to us, Mother, like the old days, strong and splendid
I pray you come back to us, Mother, like the old days, strong and splendid