• Måneskin


    English translation

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I’m only 20
therefore don’t be surprised if I create drama out of nothing
I’m afraid of just leaving money to the world and
of my name disappearing
among everyone else's
I’m only 20
and I already ask forgiveness
for the mistakes I committed
but the road is tougher when you’re aiming for the sky
So choose the things that are truly important
Choose between love and diamonds
Demons and saints
And you will be ready to battle
or you will go away
And you will put the blame on others
or you will be the guilty one
You will run straight to the sun
or towards the dark
You will be ready to battle
to always search for freedom
and to go one step further,
to always be true,
to explain what colour is
to those who see black and white
to go one step further,
to always be true
Promise that you’ll speak about me to everyone tomorrow
Even though I’m 20 years old, I’ll have to run
I’m only 20
and I don’t give a shit at all
I have nothing to show you all
I’m not like you guys who give up your soul for money
From the eyes of someone who is pure,
you are all just cowards
Going one step further,
always being true,
explaining what is colour is
to those who see black and white
Going one step forward,
being always true
Promise that you’ll speak about me to everyone tomorrow
Even though I’m 20 years old, I’ll have to run
for myself
And you will be ready to battle
or you will go away
And you will put the blame on others
or you will be the guilty one
You will run straight to the sun
or towards the dark
You will be ready to battle
to always search for freedom
And you’re only 20
I’m writing to you now
before it’s too late
The doubt about
being nobody will hurt
You'll be somebody if you stay different from the others
but you’re only 20 years old
Original lyrics


Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)

Translations of "Vent'anni"
English #1, #2, #3
Dutch #1, #2
Finnish #1, #2
German #1, #2
Persian #1, #2, #3
Romanian #1, #2
Russian #1, #2, #3
Serbian #1, #2
Spanish #1, #2, #3
Ukrainian #1, #2
Lia19Lia19    Wed, 26/05/2021 - 09:00

Hay, Callirae, thank you for your translation.
I would suggest translating "Essere sempre vero" with "Always being true", instead of "Always being right".
In my opinion, this part of the song means being true to yourself, for me "right" doesn't convey the same meaning.

But of course, if you think right works better for native English speakers I trust you since my English is far from perfect. :)
Thank you.

   Wed, 26/05/2021 - 18:38

Hai ragione! Volevo correggere quella parte infatti :) grazie!!

Lia19Lia19    Wed, 26/05/2021 - 19:31

Grazie a te.
Ho visto centinaia di persone condividere il link alla tua traduzione nell'ultima settimana e quindi ho pensato di suggerirtelo. :)