• Marie Laforêt

    Warszawa → Polish translation

  • 4 translations
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Nie wiedziałam nic o Warszawie;
jakiś Szopen12, jakiś hrabia Walewski3
Kilka piosenek, przy których latem
można było tańczyć na stołach.
Och, Warszawo!
Och, Warszawo!
Nie poznaję ciebie.
Och, Warszawo!
Och, Warszawo!
Och, co z tobą zrobiono?
Na zimnych ulicach Warszawy
natknęłam się na kilka znajomych twarzy.
Iwan, Natasza, a potem Borys4
uśmiechnęli się do mnie smutno.
Och, Warszawo!
Och, Warszawo!
Niebo ponad dachami…
Och, Warszawo!
Och, Warszawo!
Niebo jest również dla ciebie.
Och, Warszawo!
Och, Warszawo!
Ja ciebie nie zapomnę.
Och, Warszawo!
Och, Warszawo!
Zaśpiewaj ostatni raz.
Dalejże! Och, Warszawo!
Och, Warszawo!
Niebo ponad dachami…
Och, Warszawo!
Och, Warszawo!
Niebo jest również dla ciebie.
Original lyrics


Click to see the original lyrics (French)

JadisJadis    Sun, 28/07/2019 - 18:13

Thank you Azalia, this is not a great text but I just discovered it, so I thought it could be interesting to post it. Clearly the author didn't really make the difference between Poland and Russia... :)

   Sun, 28/07/2019 - 18:18

But of course it is interesting. Thank you for this. The author wasn't the only one to confuse Poland with Russia. While I travelled abroad, many times I was taken for a Russian more because of the language I spoke (although I wouldn't say Russian and Polish are THAT similar...) than because of my looks.

JadisJadis    Sun, 28/07/2019 - 18:24

True, to me spoken Polish is more similar to Portuguese... :)

   Sun, 28/07/2019 - 18:38

Ah, that's interesting. It's because of those rustling sounds (like "sz" in my name) or you feel that we "eat" vowels like they do?

Anyway, to me they sound very different and I had to give up learning Portuguese because I struggled too much with its pronunciation and even more with understanding the spoken language, especially the European version. On the other hand, the Brazilian one sounded to me like Spanish spoken with the Russian accent and intonation.

JadisJadis    Mon, 29/07/2019 - 06:12

The swishing sounds, i guess, like '"sz". The Brazilians don't swish that way...