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Greek & Cypriot National Anthem - Ýmnos is tin Eleftherían (long version)

1. Σὲ γνωρίζω ἀπὸ τὴν κόψη
τοῦ σπαθιοῦ τὴν τρομερή,
σὲ γνωρίζω ἀπὸ τὴν ὄψη
ποῦ μὲ βία μετράει τὴ γῆ.
2. Ἀπ' τὰ κόκαλα βγαλμένη
τῶν Ἑλλήνων τὰ ἱερά,
καὶ σὰν πρῶτα ἀνδρειωμένη,
χαῖρε, ὢ χαῖρε, Ἐλευθεριὰ!
3. Ἐκεῖ μέσα ἐκατοικοῦσες
πικραμένη, ἐντροπαλή,
κι ἕνα στόμα ἀκαρτεροῦσες,
«ἔλα πάλι» νὰ σοῦ πεῖ.
4. Ἄργειε νὰ 'λθει ἐκείνη ἡ μέρα,
κι ἦταν ὅλα σιωπηλά,
γιατί τὰ 'σκιαζε ἡ φοβέρα
καὶ τὰ πλάκωνε ἡ σκλαβιά.
5. Δυστυχής! Παρηγορία
μόνη σου ἔμενε νὰ λὲς
περασμένα μεγαλεῖα
καὶ διηγώντας τὰ νὰ κλαῖς.
6. Καὶ ἀκαρτέρει καὶ ἀκαρτέρει
φιλελεύθερη λαλιά,
ἕνα ἐκτύπαε τ' ἄλλο χέρι
ἀπὸ τὴν ἀπελπισιά.
7. Κι ἔλεες: «Πότε, ἅ, πότε βγάνω
τὸ κεφάλι ἀπὸ τσ' ἐρμιές;».
Καὶ ἀποκρίνοντο ἀπὸ πάνω
κλάψες, ἅλυσες, φωνές.
8. Τότε ἐσήκωνες τὸ βλέμμα
μὲς στὰ κλάιματα θολό,
καὶ εἰς τὸ ροῦχο σου ἒσταζ' αἷμα,
πλῆθος αἷμα ἑλληνικό.
9. Μὲ τὰ ροῦχα αἱματωμένα
ξέρω ὅτι ἔβγαινες κρυφὰ
νὰ γυρεύεις εἰς τὰ ξένα
ἄλλα χέρια δυνατά.
10. Μοναχὴ τὸ δρόομο ἐπῆρες,
ἐξανάλθες μοναχή.
δὲν εἲν' εὔκολες οἱ θύρες,
ἐὰν ἡ χρεία τὲς κουρταλεῖ.
11. Ἄλλος σου ἔκλαψε εἰς τὰ στήθια,
ἀλλ' ἀνάσαση καμιά.
ἄλλος σου ἔταξε βοήθεια
καὶ σὲ γέλασε φριχτά.
12. Ἄλλοι, ὀϊμέ, στὴ συμφορά σου
ὀποῦ ἐχαίροντο πολύ,
«σύρε νάβρεις τὰ παιδιά σου,
σύρε», ἐλέγαν οἳ σκληροί.
13. Φεύγει ὀπίσω τὸ ποδάρι
καὶ ὁλογλήγορο πατεῖ
ἢ τὴν πέτρα ἢ τὸ χορτάρι
ποῦ τὴ δόξα σου ἐνθυμεῖ.
14, Ταπεινότατή σου γέρνει
ἡ τρισάθλια κεφαλή,
σὰν πτωχοῦ ποὺ θυροδέρνει
κι εἶναι βάρος του ἢ ζωή.
15. Ναί, ἀλλὰ τώρα ἀντιπαλεύει
κάθε τέκνο σου μὲ ὁρμή,
ποῦ ἀκατάπαυστα γυρεύει
ἢ τὴ νίκη ἢ τὴ θανή.
16. Ἀπ' τὰ κόκαλα βγαλμένη
τῶν Ἑλλήνων τὰ ἱερά,
καὶ σὰν πρῶτα ἀνδρειωμένη,
χαῖρε, ὢ χαῖρε, Ἐλευθεριά!
17. Μόλις εἶδε τὴν ὁρμή σου
ὁ οὐρανός, ποὺ γιὰ τ'ς ἐχθροὺς
εἰς τὴ γῆ τὴ μητρική σου
ἒτρεφ' ἄνθια καὶ καρπούς,
18. ἐγαλήνευσε. καὶ ἐχύθη
καταχθόνια μία βοή,
καὶ τοῦ Ρήγα σου ἀπεκρίθη
πολεμόκραχτη ἡ φωνὴ1
19. Ὅλοι οἱ τόποι σὸν σ' ἐκράξαν
χαιρετώντας σὲ θερμά,
καὶ τὰ στόματα ἐφωνάξαν
ὅσα αἴσθανετο ἢ χαρδιά.
20. Ἐφωνάξανε ὡς τ' ἀστέρια
τοῦ Ἰονίου καὶ τὰ νησιά,
κι ἐσηκώσανε τὰ χέρια
γιὰ νὰ δείξουνε χαρά,
21. μ' ὄλον ποὺ 'ναι ἁλυσωμένο
τὸ καθένα τεχνικά,
καὶ εἰς τὸ μέτωπο γραμμένο
ἔχει: «Ψεύτρα Ἐλευθεριά».
22. Γκαρδιακὰ χαροποιήθη
καὶ τοῦ Βάσιγκτον ἡ γῆ,
καὶ τὰ σίδερα ἐνθυμήθη
ποῦ τὴν ἔδεναν κι αὐτή.
23. Ἀπ' τὸν πύργο τοῦ φωνάζει,
σὰ νὰ λέει σὲ χαιρετῶ,
καὶ τὴ χήτη τοῦ τινάζει
τὸ λιοντάρι τὸ Ἰσπανο.
24. Ἐλαφιάσθη τῆς Ἀγγλίας
τὸ θηρίο, καὶ σέρνει εὐθὺς
κατὰ τ' ἄκρα της Ρουσίας
τὰ μουγκρίσματα τσ'ὀργῆς.
25. Εἰς τὸ κίνημά του δείχνει
πῶς τὰ μέλη εἲν' δυνατά.
καὶ στοῦ Αἰγαίου τὸ κύμα ρίχνει
μία σπιθόβολη ματιά.
26. Σὲ ξανοίγει ἀπὸ τὰ νέφη
καὶ τὸ μάτι τοῦ Ἀετοῦ,
ποῦ φτερά και νύχια θρέφει
μὲ τὰ σπλάχνα τοῦ Ἰταλοῦ.
27. καὶ σ ἐσὲ καταγυρμένος,
γιατί πάντα σὲ μισεῖ,
ἒκρωζ' ἔκρωζε ὁ σκασμένος,
νὰ σὲ βλάψει, ἂν ἠμπορεῖ.
28. Ἄλλο ἐσὺ δὲν συλλογιέσαι
πάρεξ ποὺ θὰ πρωτοπᾶς.
δὲν μιλεῖς καὶ δὲν κουνιέσαι
στὲς βρισὶες ὀποῦ ἀγρικᾶς,
29. σὰν τὸ βράχον ὀποῦ ἀφήνει
κάθε ἀκάθαρτο νερὸ
εἰς τὰ πόδια του νὰ χύνει
εὐκολόσβηστον ἀφρό.
30. ὀποῦ ἀφήνει ἀνεμοζάλη
καὶ χαλάζι καὶ βροχὴ
νὰ τοῦ δέρνουν τὴ μεγάλη,
τὴν αἰώνιαν κορυφή.
31.Δυστυχιά του, ὤ, δυστυχιά του,
ὁποιανοὺ θέλει βρεθεῖ
στὸ μαχαίρι σου ἀποκάτου
καὶ σ' ἐκεῖνο ἀντισταθεῖ.
32. Τὸ θηρίο π' ἀνανογιέται
πῶς. τοῦ λείπουν τὰ μικρά,
περιορίζεται, πετιέται,
αἷμα ἀνθρώπινο διψᾶ.
33. τρέχει, τρέχει ὅλα τὰ δάση,
τὰ λαγκάδια, τὰ βουνά,
κι ὅπου φθάσει, ὅπου περάσει,
φρίκη, θάνατος, ἐρμιά.
34. Ἐρμιά, θάνατος καὶ φρίκη,
ὅπου ἐπέρασες κι ἐσύ.
ξίφος ἔξω ἀπὸ τὴ θήκη
πλέον ἀνδρείαν σου προξενεῖ.
35. Ἰδού, ἐμπρός σου ὁ τοῖχος στέκει
τῆς ἀθλίας Τριπολιτσᾶς.
τώρα τρόμου ἀστροπελέκι
νὰ τῆς ρίψεις πιθυμᾶς.
36. Μεγαλόψυχο τὸ μάτι
δείχνει, πάντα ὅπως νικεῖ,
κι ἃς εἲν ἅρματα γεμάτη
καὶ πολέμιαν χλαλοή.
37. Σοὺ προβαίνουνε καὶ τρίζουν
γιὰ νὰ ἰδεῖς πὼς εἲν' πολλά.
δὲν ἀκοῦς ποὺ φοβερίζουν
ἄνδρες μύριοι καὶ παιδιά;2
38. Λίγα μάτια, λίγα στόματα
θὰ σᾶς μείνουνε ἀνοιχτὰ
γιὰ νὰ κλαύσετε τὰ σώματα
ποῦ θὲ νὰ 'βρει ἡ συμφορά!
39. Κατεβαίνουνε καὶ ἀνάφτει
τοῦ πολέμου ἀναλαμπή.
τὸ τουφέκι ἀνάβει, ἀστράφτει,
λάμπει, κόφτει τὸ σπαθί.
40. Γιατί ἡ μάχη ἐστάθη ὀλίγη;
Λίγα τὰ αἵματα γιατί;
Τὸν ἐχθρὸ θωρῶ νὰ φύγει
καὶ στὸ κάστρο ν' ἀνεβεῖ.3
41. Μέτρα ! Εἲν' ἄπειροι οἱ φευγάτοι,
ὀποῦ φεύγοντας δειλιοῦν.
τὰ λαβώματα στὴν πλάτη
δέχοντ', ὥστε ν' ἀνεβοῦν.
42. Ἐκεῖ μέσα ἀκαρτερεῖτε
τὴν ἀφεύγατη φθορά.
νά, σᾶς φθάνει. ἀποκριθεῖτε
στῆς νυκτὸς τὴ σκοτεινιά!4
43.Ἀποκρίνονται καὶ ἡ μάχη
ἔτσι ἀρχίζει, ὀποῦ μακριὰ
ἀπὸ ράχη ἐκεῖ σὲ ράχη
ἀντιβούιζε φοβερά.
44. Ἀκούω κούφια τὰ τουφέκια,
ἀκούω σμίξιμο σπαθιῶν,
ἀκούω ξύλα, ἀκούω πελέκια,
ἀκούω τρίξιμο δοντιῶν.
45. Ἅ, τί νύκτα ἦταν ἐκείνη
ποῦ τὴν τρέμει ὁ λογισμός!
Ἄλλος ὕπνος δὲν ἐγίνη
πάρεξ θάνατου πικρός.
46. Τῆς σκηνῆς ἡ ὥρα, ὁ τόπος,
οἱ κραυγές, ἡ ταραχή,
ὁ σκληρόψυχος ὁ τρόπος
τοῦ πολέμου, καὶ οἱ καπνοί,
47. καὶ οἱ βροντές, καὶ τὸ σκοτάδι
ὀποῦ ἀντίσκοφτε ἡ φωτιά,
ἐπαράστεναν τὸν Ἅδη
ποῦ ἀκαρτέρειε τὰ σκυλιά.
48. Τ' ἀκαρτέρειε. Ἐφαῖνοντ' ἴσκιοι
ἀναρίθμητοι, γυμνοί,
κόρες, γέροντες, νεανίσκοι,
βρέφη ἀκόμη εἰς τὸ βυζί.
49. Ὅλη μαύρη μυρμηγκιάζει,
μαύρη ἡ ἐντάφια συντροφιά,
σὰν τὸ ροῦχο ὀποῦ σκεπάζει
τὰ κρεβάτια τὰ στερνά.
50. Τόσοι, τόσοι ἀνταμωμένοι
ἐπετιοῦντο ἀπὸ τὴ γῆ,
ὅσοι εἲν' ἄδικα σφαγμένοι,
ἀπὸ τούρκικην ὀργή.
51. Τόσα πέφτουνε τὰ θερι-
σμένα ἀστάχια εἰς τοὺς ἀγρούς.
σχεδὸν ὅλα ἐκειὰ τὰ μέρη
ἐσκεπάζοντο ἀπ' αὐτούς.
52. Θαμποφέγγει κανέν' ἄστρο,
καὶ ἀναδεύοντο μαζί,
ἀνεβαίνοντας τὸ κάστρο
μὲ νεκρώσιμη σιωπή.
53. Ἔτσι χάμου εἰς τὴν πεδιάδα,
μὲς στὸ δάσος τὸ πυκνό,
ὅταν στέλνει μίαν ἀχνάδα
μισοφέγγαρο χλωμό,
54. ἐὰν οἱ ἄνεμοι μὲς στ' ἄδεια
τὰ κλαδιὰ μουγκοφυσοῦν,
σειοῦνται, σειοῦνται τὰ μαυράδια,
ὀποῦ οἱ κλῶνοι ἀντικτυποῦν.
55. Μὲ τὰ μάτια τοὺς γυρεύουν
ὅπου εἲν' αἵματα πηχτά,
καὶ μὲς στὰ αἵματα χορεύουν
μὲ βρυχίσματα βραχνά.
56. καὶ χορεύοντας μανίζουν
εἰς τοὺς Ἕλληνες κοντά,
καὶ τὰ στήθια τοὺς ἐγγίζουν
μὲ τὰ χέρια τὰ ψυχρά.
57. Ἐκειὸ τὸ ἔγγισμα πηγαίνει
βαθιὰ μὲς στὰ σωθικά,
ὅθεν ὅλη ἡ λύπη βγαίνει,
κι ἄκρα αἰσθάνονται ἀσπλαχνιά.
58. Τότε αὐξαίνει τοῦ πολέμου
ὁ χορὸς τρομακτικά,
σὰν τὸ σκόρπισμα τοῦ ἀνέμου
στοῦ πελάου τὴ μοναξιά.
59. Κτυποῦν ὅλοι ἀπάνου κάτου.
κάθε κτύπημα ποὺ ἐβγεῖ
εἶναι κτύπημα θανάτου
χωρὶς νὰ δευτερωθεῖ.
60. Κάθε σῶμα ἱδρώνει, ρέει.
λὲς κι ἐκείθενε ἡ ψυχὴ
ἀπ' τὸ μίσος ποὺ τὴν καίει
πολεμάει νὰ πεταχθεῖ.
61. Τῆς καρδίας κτυπίες βροντᾶνε
μὲς στὰ στήθια τοὺς ἀργά,
καὶ τὰ χέρια ὀποῦ χουμᾶνε
περισσότερο εἲν' γοργά.
62. Οὐρανὸς γι' αὐτοὺς δὲν εἶναι,
οὐδὲ πέλαγο, οὐδὲ γῆ.
γι' αὐτοὺς ὅλους τὸ πᾶν εἶναι
μαζωμένο ἀντάμα ἐκεῖ.
63. Τόση ἡ μάνητα κι ἡ ζάλη,
ποῦ στοχάζεσαι μὴ πὼς
ἀπὸ μία μεριὰ καὶ ἀπ' ἄλλη
δὲν μείνει ἕνας ζωντανός.
64. Κοίτα χέρια ἀπελπισμένα
πῶς θερίζουνε ζωές!
Χάμου πέφτουνε κομμένα
χέρια, πόδια, κεφαλές,
65. καὶ παλάσκες καὶ σπαθὶα
μὲ ὁλοσκόρπιστα μυαλά,
καὶ μὲ ὁλόσχιστα κρανία,
σωθικὰ λαχταριστά.
66. Προσοχὴ καμία δὲν κάνει
κανείς, ὄχι, εἰς τὴ σφαγή.
πᾶνε πάντα ἐμπρός. Ὤ, φθάνει,
φθάνει. ἕως πότε οἱ σκοτωμοί;
67. Ποὶος ἀφήνει ἐκεῖ τὸν τόπο,
πάρεξ ὅταν ξαπλωθεῖ;
Δὲν αἰσθάνονται τὸν κόπο
καὶ λὲς κι εἶναι εἰς τὴν ἀρχή.
68. Ὀλιγόστευαν οἱ σκύλοι,
καὶ «Ἀλλά», ἐφώναζαν, «Ἀλλά»,
καὶ τῶν Χριστιανῶν τὰ χείλη
«φωτιά», ἐφώναζαν, «φωτιά».
69. Λιονταρόψυχα ἐκτυπιοῦντο,
πάντα ἐφώναζαν «φωτιά»,
καὶ οἱ μιαροὶ κατασκορπιοῦντο,
πάντα σκούζοντας «Ἀλλά».
70. Παντοῦ φόβος καὶ τρομάρα
καὶ φωνὲς καὶ στεναγμοί.
παντοῦ κλάψα, παντοῦ ἀντάρα,
καὶ παντοῦ ξεψυχισμοί.
71. Ἦταν τόσοι! Πλέον τὸ βόλι
εἰς τ' αὐτιὰ δὲν τοὺς λαλεῖ.
Ὅλοι χάμου ἐκεῖτοντ' ὅλοι
εἰς τὴν τέταρτην αὐγή.
72. Σὰν ποτάμι τὸ αἷμα ἐγίνη
καὶ κυλάει στὴ λαγκαδιά,
καὶ τὸ ἀθῶο χόρτο πίνει
αἷμα ἀντὶς γιὰ τὴ δροσιά.
73. Τῆς αὐγῆς δροσάτο ἀέρι,
δὲν φυσᾶς τώρα ἐσὺ πλιο
στῶν ψευδόπιστων τὸ ἀστέρι.5
φύσα, φύσα εἰς τὸ Σταυρό!
74. Ἀπ' τὰ κόκαλα βγαλμένη
τῶν Ἑλλήνων τὰ ἱερά,
καὶ σὰν πρῶτα ἀνδρειωμένη,
χαῖρε, ὢ χαῖρε, Ἐλευθεριά!
75. Τῆς Κορίνθου ἰδοὺ καὶ οἱ κάμποι.
δὲν λάμπ' ἥλιος μοναχὰ
εἰς τοὺς πλάτανους, δὲν λάμπει
εἰς τ' ἀμπέλια, εἰς τὰ νερά.
76. Εἰὶς τὸν ἥσυχον αἰθέρα
τώρα ἀθώα δὲν ἀντηχεῖ
τὰ λαλήματα ἡ φλογέρα,
τὰ βελάσματα τὸ ἄρνι.
77. Τρέχουν ἅρματα χιλιάδες
σὰν τὸ κύμα εἰς τὸ γιαλό,
ἀλλ' οἱ ἀνδρεῖοι παλληκαράδες
δὲν ψηφοῦν τὸν ἀριθμό.
78. Ὢ τρακόσιοι, σηκωθεῖτε
καὶ ξανάλθετε σέ μας.
τὰ παιδιά σας θέλ' ἰδεῖτε
πόσο μοιάζουνε μέ σας.
79. Ὅλοι ἐκεῖνοι τὰ φοβοῦνται
καὶ μὲ πάτημα τυφλὸ
εἰς τὴν Κόρινθο ἀποκλειοῦνται
κι ὅλοι χάνουνται ἀπ' ἐδῶ.
80. Στέλνει ὁ ἄγγελος τοῦ ὀλέθρου
πείνα καὶ θανατικό,
ποῦ μὲ σχῆμα ἑνὸς σκελέθρου
περπατοῦν ἀντάμα οἱ δυό.
81. καὶ πεσμένα εἰς τὰ χορτάρια
ἀπεθαίνανε παντοῦ
τὰ θλιμμένα ἀπομεινάρια
τῆς φυγῆς καὶ τοῦ χαμοῦ.
82. Κι ἐσὺ ἀθάνατη, ἐσὺ θεία,
ποῦ ὅ,τι θέλεις ἠμπορεῖς,
εἰς τὸν κάμπο, Ἐλευθερία,
ματωμένη περπατεῖς.
83. Στὴ σκιὰ χεροπιασμένες,6
στὴ σκιὰ βλέπω κι ἐγὼ
κρινοδάκτυλες παρθένες
ὀποῦ κάνουνε χορό.
84. Στὸ χορὸ γλυκογυρίζουν
ὡραία μάτια ἐρωτικά,
καὶ εἰς τὴν αὔρα κυματίζουν
μαῦρα, ὁλόχρυσα μαλλιά.
85. Ἡ ψυχή μου ἀναγαλλιάζει
πῶς ὁ κόρφος καθεμιᾶς
γλυχοβύζαστο ἑτοιμάζει
γάλα ἀνδρείας κι ἐλευθεριᾶς.
86. Μὲς στὰ χόρτα, τὰ λουλούδια,
τὸ ποτήρι δὲν βαστῶ.
φιλελεύθερα τραγούδια
σὰν τὸν Πίνδαρο ἐκφωνῶ.
87. Ἀπ' τὰ κόκαλα βγαλμένη
τῶν Ἑλλήνων τὰ ἱερά,
καὶ σὰν πρῶτα ἀνδρειωμένη,
χαῖρε, ὢ χαῖρε, Ἐλευθεριὰ !
88. Πῆγες εἰς τὸ Μεσολόγγι
τὴν ἡμέρα τοῦ Χριστοῦ,
μέρα ποὺ ἄνθισαν οἱ λόγγοι7
γιὰ τὸ τέκνο τοῦ Θεοῦ.
89. Σοὺ 'λθε ἐμπρὸς λαμποκοπώντας
ἡ Θρησκεία μ' ἕνα σταυρό,
καὶ τὸ δάκτυλο κινώντας
ὀποῦ ἀνεῖ τὸν οὐρανό,
90. «σ' αὐτό», ἐφώναξε, «τo χῶμα
στάσου ὁλόρθη, Ἐλευθεριά!».
Καὶ φιλώντας σου τὸ στόμα
μπαίνει μὲς στὴν ἐκκλησιά.8
91. Εἰς τὴν τράπεζα σιμώνει,
καὶ τὸ σύγνεφο τὸ ἀχνὸ
γύρω γύρω τῆς πυκνώνει
ποῦ σκορπάει τὸ θυμιατό.
92. Ἀγρικάει τὴν ψαλμωδία
ὀποῦ ἐδίδαξεν αὐτή.
βλέπει τὴ φωταγωγία
στοὺς Ἁγίους ἐμπρὸς χυτή.
93. Ποιοὶ εἲν' αὐτοὶ ποὺ πλησιάζουν
μὲ πολλὴ ποδοβολή,
κι ἂρματ', ἅρματα ταράζουν;
Ἐπετάχτηχες ἐσύ!
94. Ἅ, τὸ φῶς ποὺ σὲ στολίζει,
σὰν ἡλίου φεγγοβολῆ,
καὶ μακρόθεν σπινθηρίζει,
δὲν εἶναι, ὄχι, ἀπὸ τὴ γῆ.
95. Λάμψιν ἔχει ὅλη φλογώδη
χεῖλος, μέτωπο, ὀφθαλμός.
φῶς τὸ χέρι, φῶς τὸ πόδι,
κι ὅλα γύρω σου εἶναι φῶς.
96. Τὸ σπαθί σου ἀντισηκώνεις,
τρία πατήματα πατᾶς,
σὰν τὸν πύργο μεγαλώνεις,
κι εἰς τὸ τέταρτο κτυπᾶς.
97. Μὲ φωνὴ ποὺ καταπείθει
προχωρώντας ὁμιλεῖς:
«Σήμερ', ἄπιστοι, ἐγεννήθη,
ναὶ τοῦ κόσμου ὁ Λυτρωτής».
98. Αὐτὸς λέγει, ἀφοκρασθεῖτε:
«Ἐγὼ εἲμ' Ἄλφα, Ὠμέγα ἔγω.9
πέστε, ποὺ θ' ἀποκρυφθεῖτε
ἐσεῖς ὅλοι, ἂν ὀργισθῶ;
99. Φλόγα ἀκοίμητήν σας βρέχω,
ποῦ, μ' αὐτὴν ἂν συγκριθεῖ
κείνη ἡ κάτω ὀποῦ σας ἔχω,
σὰν δροσιὰ θέλει βρεθεῖ.
100. Κατατρώγει, ὡσὰν τὴ σχίζα,
τόπους ἄμετρα ὑψηλούς,
χῶρες, ὅρη ἀπὸ τὴ ρίζα,
ζῶα καὶ δέντρα καὶ θνητούς.
101. Καὶ τὸ πᾶν τὸ κατακαίει,
καὶ δὲν σώζεται πνοή,
πάρεξ τοῦ ἄνεμου ποὺ πνέει
μὲς στὴ στάχτη τὴ λεπτή».
102. Κάποιος ἤθελε ἐρωτήσει:
Τοῦ θυμοῦ Τοῦ εἶσαι ἀδελφή;
Ποὶος εἲν' ἄξιος νὰ νικήσει
ἢ μὲ σὲ νὰ μετρηθεῖ;
103. Ἡ γῆ αἰσθάνεται τὴν τόση
τοῦ χεριοῦ σου ἀνδραγαθιά,
ποῦ ὅλην θέλει θανατώσει
τὴ μισόχριστη σπορά.
104. Τὴν αἰσθάνονται καὶ ἀφρίζουν
τὰ νερά, καὶ τ' ἀγρικῶ
δυνατὰ νὰ μουρμουρίζουν
σὰν νὰ ρυάζετο θηριό.
105. Κακορίζικοι, ποὺ πάτε
τοῦ Ἀχελώου μὲς στὴ ροὴ10
καὶ πιδέξια πολεμᾶτε
ἀπὸ τὴν καταδρομὴ
106. νὰ ἀποφύγετε; Τὸ κύμα
ἔγινε ὅλο φουσκωτό.
ἐκεῖ εὐρήκατε τὸ μνῆμα
πρὶν νὰ εὐρεῖτε ἀφανισμό.
107. Βλασφημάει, σκούζει, μουγκρίζει
κάθε λάρυγγας ἐχθροῦ,
καὶ τὸ ρεῦμα γαργαρίζει
τὲς βλασφήμιες τοῦ θυμοῦ.
108. Σφαλερὰ τετραποδίζουν
πλῆθος ἄλογα, καὶ ὀρθὰ
τρομασμένα χλιμιτρίζουν
καὶ πατοῦν εἰς τὰ κορμιά.
109. Ποὶος στὸ σύντροφον ἁπλώνει
χέρι, ὡσὰν νὰ βοηθηθεῖ.
ποὶος τὴ σάρκα τοῦ δαγκώνει
ὅσο ὀποῦ νὰ νεκρωθεῖ.
110. Κεφαλὲς ἀπελπισμένες,
μὲ τὰ μάτια πεταχτά,
κατὰ τ' ἄστρα σηκωμένες
γιὰ τὴν ὕστερη φορᾶ.
111. Σβιέται -αὐξαίνοντας ἡ πρώτη
τοῦ Ἀχελώου νεροσυρμή-
τὸ χλιμίτρισμα καὶ οἱ κρότοι
καὶ τοῦ ἀνθρώπου οἱ γογγυσμοί,
112. Ἔτσι ν' ἄκουα νὰ βουΐξει
τὸ βαθὺν Ὠκεανό,
καὶ στὸ κύμα του νὰ πνίξει
κάθε σπέρμα ἀγαρηνό!
113. Καὶ ἐκεῖ ποὺ 'ναι ἡ Ἁγία Σοφία,
μὲς στοὺς λόφους τοὺς ἑπτά,
ὅλα τ' ἄψυχα κορμία,
βραχοσύντριφτα, γυμνά,
114. σωριασμένα νὰ τὰ σπρώξει
ἡ κατάρα τοῦ Θεοῦ,
κι ἀπ' ἐκεῖ νὰ τὰ μαζώξει
ὁ ἀδελφός του Φεγγαριοῦ.11
115. Κάθε πέτρα μνῆμα ἂς γένει,
κι ἡ Θρησκεία κι ἡ Ἐλευθεριὰ
μ' ἀργὸ πάτημα ἂς πηγαίνει
μεταξύ τους καὶ ἂς μετρᾶ.
116. Ἕνα λείψανο ἀνεβαίνει
τεντωτό, πιστομητό,
κι ἄλλο ξάφνου κατεβαίνει
καὶ δὲν φαίνεται, καὶ πλιο
117. καὶ χειρότερα ἀγριεύει
καὶ φουσκώνει ὁ ποταμός.
πάντα, πάντα περισσεύει.
πολὺ φλοίσβισμα καὶ ἀφρὸς
118. Ἅ, γιατί δὲν ἔχω τώρα
τὴ φωνὴ τοῦ Μωυσῆ;
Μεγαλόφωνα τὴν ὥρα
ὀποῦ ἐσβιοῦντο οἱ μισητοί,
119. τὸ Θεὸν εὐχαριστοῦσε
στοῦ πελάου τὴ λύσσα ἐμπρός,
καὶ τὰ λόγια ἠχολογοῦσε
ἀναρίθμητος λαός.
120. Ἀκλουθάει τὴν ἁρμονία
ἡ ἀδελφή του Ἀαρῶν,
ἡ προφήτισσα Μαρία,
μ' ἕνα τύμπανο τερπνὸν12
121. καὶ πηδοῦν ὅλες οἱ κόρες
μὲ τσ' ἀγκάλες ἀνοικτές,
τραγουδώντας, ἀνθοφόρες,
μὲ τὰ τύμπανα κι ἐκειές.
122. Σὲ γνωρίζω ἀπὸ τὴν κόψη
τοῦ σπαθιοῦ τὴν τρομερή,
σὲ γνωρίζω ἀπὸ τὴν ὄψη
ποῦ μὲ βία μετράει τὴ γῆ.
123. Εἰς αὐτήν, εἲν' ξακουσμένο,
δὲν νικιέσαι ἐσὺ ποτέ.
ὅμως, ὄχι, δὲν εἲν' ξένο
καὶ τὸ πέλαγο γιὰ σέ.
124. Τὸ στοιχεῖον αὐτὸ ξαπλώνει
κύματ' ἄπειρα εἰς τὴ γῆ,
μὲ τὰ ὁποία τὴν περιζώνει,
κι εἶναι εἰκόνα σου λαμπρή.
125. Μὲ βρυχίσματα σαλεύει
ποῦ τρομάζει ἡ ἀκοή.
κάθε ξύλο κινδυνεύει
καὶ λιμνιώνα ἀναζητεῖ.
126. Φαίνετ' ἔπειτα ἡ γαλήνη
καὶ τὸ λάμψιμο τοῦ ἥλιου,
καὶ τὰ χρώματα ἀναδίνει
τοῦ γλαυκότατου οὐρανοῦ.
127. Δὲν νικιέσαι, εἲν' ξακουσμένο,
στὴν ξηρὰν ἐσὺ ποτέ.
ὅμως, ὄχι, δὲν εἲν' ξένο
καὶ τὸ πέλαγο γιὰ σέ.
128. Περνοῦν ἄπειρα τὰ ξάρτια,
καὶ σὰν λόγγος στριμωχτὰ
τὰ τρεχούμενα κατάρτια,
τὰ ὁλοφούσκωτα πανιά.
129.Σὺ τὲς δύναμές σου σπρώχνεις,
καὶ ἀγκαλὰ δὲν εἲν' πολλές,
πολεμώντας, ἄλλα διώχνεις,
ἄλλα παίρνεις, ἄλλα καῖς.
130. Μ' ἐπιθύμια νὰ τηράζεις
δυὸ μεγάλα σὲ θωρῶ,13
καὶ θανάσιμον τινάζεις
ἐναντίον τοὺς κεραυνό.
131. Πιάνει, αὐξαίνει, κοκκινίζει,
καὶ σηκώνει μία βροντή,
καὶ τὸ πέλαο χρωματίζει
μὲ αἱματόχροη βαφή.
132. Πνίγοντ' ὅλοι οἱ πολεμάρχοι
Καὶ δὲν μνέσκει ἕνα κορμί.
χαίρου, σκιὰ τοῦ Πατριάρχη,
ποῦ σὲ πέταξαν ἐκεῖ.
133. Ἐκρυφόσμιγαν οἱ φίλοι
μὲ τσ' ἐχθρούς τους τὴ Λαμπρή,
καὶ τοὺς ἔτρεμαν τὰ χείλη
δίνοντας τὰ εἰς τὸ φιλί.
134. Κειὲς τὲς δάφνες ποὺ ἐσκορπίστε14
τώρα πλέον δὲν τὲς πατεῖ,
καὶ τὸ χέρι ὀποῦ ἐφιλῆστε
πλέον, ἅ, πλέον δὲν εὐλογεῖ.
135. Ὅλοι κλάψτε. ἀποθαμένος
ὁ ἀρχηγὸς τῆς Ἐκκλησιᾶς.
κλάψτε, κλάψτε. κρεμασμένος
ὡσὰν νὰ 'τανε φονιάς!
136. Ἔχει ὀλάνοικτο τὸ στόμα
π' ὦρες πρῶτα εἶχε γευθεῖ
τ' Ἅγιον Αἷμα, τ' Ἅγιον Σῶμα.
Λὲς πὼς θὲ νὰ ξαναβγεῖ
137. ἡ κατάρα ποὺ εἶχε ἀφήσει,
λίγο πρὶν νὰ ἀδικηθεῖ,
εἰς ὁποῖον δὲν πολεμήσει
καὶ ἠμπορεῖ νὰ πολεμεῖ.
138. Τὴν ἀκούω, βροντάει, δὲν παύει
εἰς τὸ πέλαγο, εἰς τὴ γῆ,
καὶ μουγκρίζοντας ἀνάβει
τὴν αἰώνιαν ἀστραπή.
139. Ἡ καρδιὰ συχνοσπαράζει.
Πλὴν τί βλέπω; Σοβαρὰ
νὰ σωπάσω μὲ προστάζει
μὲ τὸ δάχτυλο ἡ θεά.
140. Κοιτάει γύρω εἰς τὴν Εὐρώπη
τρεῖς φορὲς μ' ἀνησυχιά.
προσηλώνεται κατόπι
στὴν Ἑλλάδα, καὶ ἀρχινᾶ:
141. «Παλληκάρια μου, οἱ πολέμοι
γιὰ σᾶς ὅλοι εἶναι χαρά,
καὶ τὸ γόνα σας δὲν τρέμει
στοὺς κινδύνους ἐμπροστά.
142. Ἀπ' ἐσᾶς ἀπομακραίνει
κάθε δύναμη ἐχθρική,
ἀλλὰ ἀνίκητη μία μένει
ποῦ τὲς δάφνες σας μαδεῖ.
143. Μία, ποὺ ὅταν ὡσὰν λύκοι
ξαναρχόστενε ζεστοί,
κουρασμένοι ἀπὸ τὴ νίκη,
ἄχ, τὸ νοῦ σας τυραννεῖ.
144. Ἡ Διχόνοια ποὺ βαστάει
ἕνα σκῆπτρο ἡ δολερὴ
καθενὸς χαμογελάει,
"πάρ' τό", λέγοντας, "καὶ σύ".
145. Κειο τὸ σκῆπτρο πού σας δείχνει
ἔχει ἀλήθεια ὡραῖα θωριά.
μὴν τὸ πιάστε, γιατί ρίχνει
εἰσὲ δάκρυα θλιβερά.
146. Ἀπὸ στόμα ὀποῦ φθονάει,
παλληκάρια, ἂς μὴν πωθεῖ,
πῶς τὸ χέρι σας κτυπάει
τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ τὴν κεφαλή.
147. Μὴν εἰποῦν στὸ στοχασμό τους
τὰ ξένα ἔθνη ἀληθινά:
"Ἐὰν μισοῦνται ἀνάμεσό τους
δὲν τοὺς πρέπει ἐλευθεριά".
148. Τέτοια ἀφήστενε φροντίδα.
Ὅλο τὸ αἷμα ὀποῦ χυθεῖ
γιὰ θρησκεία καὶ γιὰ πατρίδα
ὅμοιαν ἔχει τὴν τιμή.
149. Στὸ αἷμα αὐτό, ποὺ δὲν πονεῖτε
γιὰ πατρίδα, γιὰ θρησκειά,
σᾶς ὁρκίζω, ἀγκαλιασθεῖτε
σὰν ἀδέλφια γκαρδιακά.
150. Πόσο λείπει, στοχασθεῖτε,
πόσο ἀκόμη νὰ παρθεῖ.
πάντα ἡ νίκη, ἂν ἑνωθεῖτε,
πάντα ἐσᾶς θ' ἀκολουθεῖ.
151. Ὢ ἀκουσμένοι εἰς τὴν ἀνδρεία,
καταστῆστε ἕνα Σταυρὸ
καὶ φωνάξετε μὲ μία:
"Βασιλεῖς, κοιτάξτ' ἐδῶ!
152. Τὸ σημεῖον ποὺ προσκυνᾶτε
εἶναι τοῦτο, καὶ γι' αὐτὸ
ματωμένους μας κοιτᾶτε
στὸν ἀγώνα τὸ σκληρό.
153. Ἀκατάπαυστα τὸ βρίζουν
τὰ σκυλιὰ καὶ τὸ πατοῦν
καὶ τὰ τέκνα τοῦ ἀφανίζουν,
καὶ τὴν πίστη ἀναγελοῦν.
154. Ἐξ αἰτίας τοῦ ἐσπάρθη, ἐχάθη
αἷμα ἀθῶο χριστιανικό,
ποῦ φωνάζει ἀπὸ τὰ βάθη
τῆς νυκτός: Νὰ ἐκδικηθῶ.
155. Δὲν ἀκοῦτε, ἐσεῖς εἰκόνες
τοῦ Θεοῦ, τέτοια φωνή;
Τώρα ἐπέρασαν αἰῶνες
καὶ δὲν ἔπαυσε στιγμή.
156. Δὲν ἀκοῦτε; Εἰς κάθε μέρος
σὰν τοῦ Ἀβὲλ καταβοᾶ.
δὲν εἲν' φύσημα τοῦ ἀέρος
ποῦ σφυρίζει εἰς τὰ μαλλιά.
157. Τί θὰ κάμετε; Θ' ἀφῆστε
νὰ ἀποκτήσομεν ἐμεῖς
λευθεριᾶν, ἢ θὰ τὴν λύστε
ἐξ αἰτίας πολιτικῆς;
158. Τοῦτο ἄν ἴσως μελετᾶτε,
ἰδοὺ ἐμπρός σας τὸν Σταυρό.
Βασιλεῖς, ἐλᾶτε, ἐλάτε,
καὶ κτυπήσετε κι ἐδῶ!".
  • 1. Δεῦτε παῖδες τῶν Ἑλλήνων...
  • 2. Ἀρματώθηκαν τότε ὅλοι ἀπὸ δεκατέσσερους χρόνους καὶ ἀπάνου.
  • 3. Ἡ περιτειχισμένη Τριπολιτσὰ δὲν ἔχει κάστρον, καὶ εἰς τὸν τόπον τοῦ κάστρου ἐννοεῖ ὁ ποιητὴς τὴν μεγάλην Τάπιαν τῆς πόλης.
  • 4. Ἀγκαλὰ καὶ ἦτον ἡμέρα ὅταν ἐπάρθηκεν ἡ Τριπολιτσά, ὁ ποιητὴς ἀκολούθησε τὴν κοινὴν φήμην ὅπου τότε ἐσκορπίστηκεν, ὅτι τὸ πάρσιμό της ἐσυνέβηκε τρεῖς ὧρες ἔπειτα ἀπὸ τὰ μεσάνυκτα.
  • 5. Εἶναι γνωστὸν ὅτι τὸ ἀστέρι εὑρίσκεται τυπωμένον εἰς τὲς τούρκικες σημαῖες.
  • 6. Ὁ λὸρδ Μπάιρον εἰς τὴν τρίτην ᾠδὴν τοῦ Don Juan παρασταίνει ἕνα ποιητὴν Ἕλληνα, ὅπου ἀπελπισμένος καὶ παραπονεμένος διὰ τὴν σκλαβιὰν τῆς πατρίδος του, ἔχει ἐμπρός του ἕνα κρασοπότηρον, καὶ κοντὰ εἰς ἄλλα λέγει καὶ τὰ ἀκόλουθα λόγια: «...οἱ γυναῖκες μας χορεύουν ἀποκάτου ἀπὸ τὸν ἴσκιον βλέπω τὰ θέλγητρα τῶν ματιῶν τοὺς ἀλλὰ ὅταν συλλογίζωμαι ὅτι θὰ γεννήσουν σκλάβους, γεμίζουν τὰ μάτια μου δάκρυα». Ἐπέρασε ἕνας χρόνος ἀφοῦ ἐγράφθηκε τοῦτος ὁ ὕμνος ὁλοένα ὁ ποιητὴς ἑτοιμάζει ἕνα ποίημα γιὰ τὸν θάνατον τοῦ Λὸρδ Μπάιρον.
  • 7. Ἀγαλλιάσθω ἔρημος καὶ ἀνθείτω ὡς κρίνον. Ἡσαΐας Κεφ. λε´.
  • 8. Εἶναι ἀληθινὸν ὅτι οἱ Τοῦρκοι ὅρμησαν ἐναντίον τοῦ Μεσολογγιοῦ τὰ ξημερώματα αὐτῆς τῆς ἁγίας ἡμέρας δὲν εἶναι ὅμως ἀληθινόν, καθὼς τότε ἐκοινολογήθηκεν, ὅτι ἦταν ἀνοικτὲς καὶ οἱ ἐκκλησίες μάλιστα ἐκλείσθησαν ἐπιταυτοῦ διὰ νὰ ἔχουν οἱ Ἕλληνες ὅλην τὴν προσοχήν τους εἰς τὸν πόλεμον.
  • 9. Καὶ εἰπέ μοι γέγονε ἐγὼ εἰμὶ τὸ A καὶ τὸ Ω, ἡ ἀρχὴ καὶ τὸ τέλος. Ἀποκάλ. Ἰωάννου Κεφ. κα´.
  • 10. Τὰ περιστατικὰ τοῦ περάσματος τοῦ ποταμοῦ, τῆς μάχης τῶν Χριστουγέννων καὶ τῆς πολιορκίας τοῦ Μεσολογγιοῦ εὑρίσκονται καταστρωμένα εἰς τὴν ἱστορίαν τοῦ Σπυρίδωνος Τρικούπη, ἐγκαρδίου φίλου τοῦ ποιητῆ. Αὐτὴ ἡ ἱστορία γλήγορα θέλει πλουτίσει καὶ τὴν γλῶσσαν μας καὶ τὴν φιλολογίαν μας.
  • 11. Εἶναι ἕνας ἀπὸ τοὺς τίτλους τοῦ Σουλτάνου.
  • 12. Ἔξοδος Κεφ. ιε´.
  • 13. Τὸ καύσιμό της καραβέλας τοῦ Καπετὰν πασᾶ καὶ ἑνὸς ἄλλου καραβίου κοντὰ εἰς τὴν Τένεδον, τὲς 29 Ὀκτωβρίου.
  • 14. Οἱ Χριστιανοὶ τῆς Ἀνατολικῆς Ἐκκλησίας συνηθίζουν νὰ σπέρνουν δάφνες εἰς τὲς ἐκκλησίες τὴν ἡμέραν τοῦ Πάσχα.

Hymn to Liberty

1. I do know thee by the direful
cutting edge of thy keen sword
I do know thine eye stare ireful
counting fast the lands restored
2. Thou camest forth off the departed
Greeks who died and lived for thee
and like erstwhile stouthearted
Hail oh hail thee Liberty
3. Thereinside thou wert staying
reticent, embittered too
for a summon thou wert praying
telling thee come back anew
4.That good day was always tarrying
every thing was mute around
for oppression was scaring
and by slav'ry they were bound
5. Woe is thee! Thine only solace
sitting lone telling with sigh
glories past when thou wert aweless
and recounting them to cry
6. And awaiting the inviting
liberal strong voice to dare
thine one hand the other smiting
out of sorrow and despair
7. ... saying will, ah! will I never
raise my head from these lorn wilds?
From above replies as ever
wails, chains, fetters of all kinds
8. Then thine eyes thou'dst lift up weeping,
hazy, full of tears and red,
on thy dress unendly dripping
gobs of Greek blood vainly shed
9. With thy clothes blood soaked and reeking
I wot thou kepst on sneaking out
to the foreign countries seeking
further hands both strong and stout
10. All alone thou hadst departed
and thou camest back all alone
for the gates will not get parted
when 'tis need who's knocking on
11. Others on thy bosom crying
but they offered no respite,
others help with words supplying
but were fooling thee on spite
12. Others, woe! by thine misfortune
were delighted and would bray,
"go away to join thine orphans,
go" the obdurate would say
13. Now thy feet homewards toil
and they overswiftly roll
on the rock or on the soil
which thy glory do recall
14. Overlowly it is bowing
triple-wretched thy sad head,
beggar. door to door who's going
and their life a weight too dead
15. Aye, but now they're counterfiring
all thy seed with urge and mirth,
and they're seeking firm, untiring
either victory or death
16. Thou camest forth off the departed
Greeks who died and lived for thee
and like erstwhile stouthearted
Hail oh hail thee Liberty
17. When the sky beheld thy gumption,
who, for the oppressing brute,
in thy motherland with kindness
nourished flowers both and fruit,
18. ... was relieved, and it started
an infernal blare to pour,
and to thee response had darted
Riga's battle crying roar 1
19. Each one of thy lands have called thee
warmly greeting thee with wish
and the mouths are shouting boldly
what the heart wilt not dismiss
20. Yells that reached the stars in heaven
from Ionian islands too,
loads of raised hands keep on waving
showing how their cheer was true
21 ... although chained and separated
each one with a slick decree 2
and their forehead decorated
with "Deceitful Liberty"
22. Heartily pleased and affected
was the Washington's free land
and the chains had recollected
that detained her on remand
23. From his castle he is roaring
just like greeting what is done
and his mane he shakes storming
the Lion the Spaniard one
24. He was startled in his quarters
England's furious beast who hath
sent to the far Russian corners 3
loud the growling of his wrath;
25. ... with a posture clearly showing
how much muscle hide his arms,
in Aegean waves he's throwing
an inflamed stare that alarms
26. Through the clouds above he spots thee
too the Eagle's eye while his 4
wings and claws are growing doughty
on Italian carcasses
27. ... and against thee he turns hostile,
since forever hating thee,
squawks and squawks the bloody foe while
trying to impede thy spree.
28. Yet thou thinkest about nothing
else than where thou shouldst go first,
thou repliest not, nor dost something
for all those who have thee cursed,
29. ... like tall mountain which is letting
the brash filthy water flow
to his feet and just there setting
the foul scum that soon will go,
30. ... which is letting the strong whirlwind
hailstorm too and heavy rain
to strike on with their harsh whipping
its eternal peak in vain
31. Woe to him! Oh woe to him who
fatelorn will be found abreast
thy keen sword and hath a whim to
stay and put it to the test
32. The foul monster is now thinking
that he's missing his stray cub
erst he's cringing then he's springing
and he's craving human blood,
33. ... now he's running through all forests
mountains, fields, ravines and earth,
where he stood or passed the harvests
horror, desolation, death.
34. Horror, death and desolation
everywhere thou hast passed too
for it brings thee indignation
en'my sword unsheathed to view
35. Behold, the walls that stand tall yonder,
Tripoli the loathsome pit,
judgement's both and terror's thunder
now thou wish'st to cast on it
36. Victories against the felons
filled the eyes with grit and grin,
blind to their inundant weapons
and to their war cheering din
37. Shaking fists at thee and grinding
teeth they try to show their scads.
Hearken thou not to the fright'ning
myriads, men and callow lads? 5
38. A few mouths and fewer eyes
will remain you open, shame,
to bewail for the demise
of all lifes the woe shall claim!
39. They come forth and started clashing
sparking battle's lightning glut
muskets loading, firing, flashing
sword blades glisten, thrash and cut
40. Why's the fight already ending?
Why's there also scanty blood?
I behold the foes ascending
to the castle swift they scud. 6
41. Count! They're numberless the craven
who are running for their life,
they prefer their backs shot graven
lest they stay and taste the knife
42. Stay locked in, we'll soon advance there!
Wait until you sure attrite!
Wait, the end is coming, answer,
in the darkness of the night!
43. They responded and the battle
starts and sets the place afire
ridge to ridge the buzz and rattle
sounding turbulent and dire
44. I can hear the muskets plopping
and the swords that clang beneath
I can hear the axes chopping
and the grinding of the teeth
45. Ah, what a night this was, it
fills the intellect with dread!
There was nother sleep nor pausing
save the bitter of the dead.
46. The time and the place of action,
the ado, the screaming folk,
the extreme cruelhearted passion
marking war, the rising smoke,
47. ...the loud blasts, the dark and hazy
setting pierced by fiery bursts,
closely representing Hades
eager to receive the curs,
48. ...waiting for them. Countless shadows
showing, naked on their feet,
daughters, elders, laddies, widows,
babies hooked still to the teat.
49. All pitch-black 'tis now swarming
black the sepulchred sad crowd
like an acrid pall of mourning
on the deathbed, a dark cloud
50. Lashings, lashings massed unaltered
sprouting from the soil's backstage,
all of them injustly slaughtered
by the rampant turkish rage
51. Many as the ears cradled
upon harvesting the fields,
almost all these parts were tangled
covered with these tragic yields
52. Here and there throughout the bustle
hazy starlight stirred the flock
as they headed to the castle
in a deathlike silent walk
53. Likewise at the plains below in
densely vegetated woods,
each time the half moon is throwing
little pale light that dilutes
54. in the winds, that softly rustle
through packed branches stripped of leaves,
the dim spots quake and jostle
where the offshoots touch their peers.
55. With their eyes they keep on glancing
'round to find the pools of blood,
in the blood they're wildly dancing,
their hoarse growlings turn to flood
56. ... and cavorting they are bunching
'round the Greek ferocious bands
and the valiant breasts are touching
with their lifeless wintry hands
57, This benumbing touch is going
deep inside the inner parts
letting out the grief they're stowing
leaving merciless the hearts
58. Thus 'tis horrifyingly growing
this pernicious fighting dance,
like a squall unruly blowing
in the lonely sea's expanse
59. High and low they're striking madly,
each and every hit they land
'tis a hit severe and deadly,
without need for second hand
60. Every body sweating, churning
as if from within its soul,
sick of hatred fiercely burning,
strives by any means to soar
61. The beats of the heart are thwacking
in their breasts slow and miffed
and their arms whenever smacking
are two or more times as swift
62. For all them there is no heaven,
nor high sea, nor even ground,
for the upper world and nether
concentrate in their surround
63. The excitement and the fury
are so stark, as both sides strive
resolute, that makest thee worry
no man will be left alive
64. Behold the mis'ry cumulated
in these hands that rip life threads!
On the earth fall mutilated
numerous legs, arms and heads,
65. ...scabbards, swords and baldrics,
sculls severed or slit in two,
brains lay strewn all over wat'ry.
steaming guts the bodies spew.
66. No one would pay even notice
to the slaughter just a bit,
they all forge ahead atrocious.
Stop! Enough! When will you quit?
67. No man deigns to leave as option
save for when he shall lay done.
They don't feel at all exhaustion
as if they have just begun
68. Now the curs are getting fewer
"Allah" they are yelling loud
but the Christian lips are truer
"fire" "fire" is their shout
69. Lionhearted they are battering
foes hard, screaming always "fire"
the flagitious thugs are scattering
screeching "Allah" they retire
70. Fright and dust clouds in all quarters
painful sighs, the helpless cry,
all around faint moans and horrors
and all over people die
71. Oh how many! Yet the lead shot
doesn't echo in their ears.
all now laying where the dead rot
when the fourth dawn sheds its tears
72. River the blood of the slaughtered
turning the ravine to slue,
and the innocent grass watered
with men's blood instead of dew 7
73. New dawn's breeze, how effervescent,
thou no longer blow'st across
to the foul-believers' crescent 8
blow thou, blow thou to the Cross!
74. Thou camest forth off the departed
Greeks who died and lived for thee
and like erstwhile stouthearted
Hail oh hail thee Liberty
75. There behold the fields of Corinth,
but sun's light does not get through
on the planetrees tisn't pouring
or on vineyards, waters too
76. In the easeful aether, startling,
not a carefree sound would fleet,
not a fife's jovial warbling,
not a lamb would only bleat.
77. Thousands of soldiers rushing
like the waves unto the shore,
but thy stalwart braves are dashing,
they keep count not anymore
78. Oh three hundred Spartans raise ye
on this land return anew
and your children proudly gaze ye
how much they resemble you!
79. O'er your braves the lot are shaken,
by their blinded stride apace
barred in Corinth they were taken
to hide out and shun the chase
80. Sends the angel of destruction
famine and disease who take
shape as skeletons and action,
walking side by side they rake,
81. ...lying on the grass and heaving
they were dying everywhere
the forsaken wretched leavings
of disaster, flight, despair
82. Thou divine and unfading,
capable of any deed,
Liberty, now gory, aching,
in the valley is thy tread.
83. In the shadow strung together 9
I see them too a row of pearls,
dance the virgin throng forever,
hand in hand the Grecian girls,
84. ... choral their step, their voice bracing,
eyes erotic full of flair,
in the breeze divinely waving
curls of black and auburn hair.
85. My soul rejoices with the savoury,
in the breasts of every one,
milk of freedom and of bravery,
that will feed their unborn sun
86. On the greensward, amid blossoms
I forgot my cup aside,
liberal songs and awesome
after Pindar I recite.
87. Thou camest forth off the departed
Greeks who died and lived for thee
and like erstwhile stouthearted
Hail oh hail thee Liberty
88. Thou appeared in Missolonghi 10
the blest birth of Christ to laud,
wilderness takes heart and longing
blossoms for the Son of God 11
89. Holding cross, a blazing figure,
the Religion, came ally
to thy cause, and shaking finger
pointing way clear of the sky 12
90. ..."on this", she declared, "here dry land,
Liberty, stand mountain tall!",
kisses thee on mouth and silent
enters lone the church's hall 13
91. O'er the altar solemn she lows
in a fragrant fumy cloud
from the thurible it billows,
reaching for the missing crowd,
92. ...and she's heeding to the service
that she taught without constraints,
staring to the lights unselfish,
bowing humble 'fore the Saints
93. Who are they approaching banging
and so loudly trampling with
weapons and more weapons clanging?
Tall thou straighten up forthwith!
94. Ah, the bright light that bedecks thee
like the crown around sun's girth
grandly sheens afar perplexing,
no, it isn't from this earth
95. All of thee a blazing splendour
everything lip, forehead, eye
sheens thy leg, thy forearm and more
all around thee is in light
96. Firm thou raisest thy sword against them
with three leaps ahead thou spike'st
tall like tower thou aggresst them
on the fourth one down thou strike'st
97. With a strong voice and compelling
to the infidels thou hurled:
"Fools today He's born expelling
pain, the Saviour of the world"
98. He says, hearken "I'm your Father
Alpha and Omega both 14
speak out, where shall ye take cover
if ye instigate my wrath?
99. I may rain a restless fire
that if ye compare it to
hell's unyielding timeless pyre,
know, the latter feels like dew
100. It may gobble down like splinter
lands immensely high, but then
countries, mountains it may sinter
forests and wild beasts and men
101. It shall be scorching and bereaving
e'en a breath shall not be spared
save the wind that shall be breathing
with leftover ashes paired".
102. Someone wondering might query:
Art thou sister to His ire?
Who is worthy 'nough to quell thee
or confront thee, I inquire?
103. Shocked the land perceives the savage
valor in thine arms and brawn,
that it wants to fully ravage
all the christian-hating spawn
104. 'Tis perceived too by the waters,
I can hear them keen to feast
snarling loudly at the squatters,
roar as if they were a beast
105. Woe! Ill-fated men, why rush ye
towards Achelous flow 15
and attempt to cross it gusty,
deftly shunning chasers so?
106. Waters wildly rushing spume-sown
and the flooding is quite deep.
There ye early found your tombstone
'fore your ultimate defeat
107. Cussing, crying, hacking, gnarling
every larynx of the foes,
and the raging current gargling
every curse the anger throws
108. Umpteen horses crudely reeling
prancing on their hinder legs
startled neighing, stumbling, kneeling
stepping on strewn bodies, heads
109. Others for their comrades reaching
out to get some help and cough
others biting flesh and screeching
till they're dead or 'tis clawed off
110. Myriad heads give in despondent
eyes are almost popping out,
staring stars cold, not respondent,
for the one last time no doubt
111. Now the tumult's slowly ebbing
-adding to the river's load-
horses' neighs, men's moaning, begging,
carried to their last abode
112. I would love to hear him booming,
the deep Ocean just like this,
hagarene spawn start consuming
with large waves in his abyss
113. ... to where Hagia Sophia is lying 16
in between the seven hills,
every lifeless body drying
naked, crushed by rocky mills
114. ... let the wrath of God reject them
piled in mountains and the mock
brother of the Moon collect them 17
from this godforsaken stock
115. Let each stone become a tombstone
so that both Religion and
Liberty may tread this doom zone
slowly, counting hand in hand
116. There, a carcass now emerging
supine on the surface, stiff
and another one submerging
disappearing in a jiff
117. ... and the river's still more raging
and the flooding waters loom
always, always fiercely waging
angry waves and frosty spume
118. Oh why couldn't I take after
Moses's orotund voice?
When the loathed were drowning, laughter
echoed and the hearts rejoiced,
119. ... then he grateful started praising
God, before sea's rage, aloud, 18
and his words resound while gazing
numberless beholden crowd.
120. Then they joined in dancing, stomping
Aaron's sister and the girls, 19
Miriam the prophet whomping
on a timbrel 'round she twirls,
121. ...the girls too around her hopping
with their arms stretched open wide,
flower-wreathed, sing with no stopping
with their timbrels, side by side
122. I do know thee by the direful
cutting edge of thy keen sword
I do know thine eye stare ireful
counting fast the lands restored
123. Aye, on these, 'tis celebrated,
no one beats thee, thou excel,
but thou art not unrelated
with the open seas as well
124. Element that spreads abounding
waves around the globe's vast space
and is every land surrounding,
image of thine august grace
125. And when stirring, loudly roaring
terrorising every ear,
every wood feels peril soaring
and desires a sheltered pier
126. When with peacefulness 'tis sprucing
and the sun is shining high,
all the colours 'tis producing
of a bluer than blue sky
127. On the land, 'tis celebrated
no one beats thee, thou excel,
but thou art not unrelated
with the open sea as well
128. Countless the riggings massing,
crowded as the bushland's heart
straining masts at full speed passing
full blown sails extend athwart
129. Thou art forwarding thy forces,
even if they're few thou steer
skillfully inflicting losses,
raiding, burning, striking fear
130. I can see thee greedy staring
in the offing two big ones 20
and a deadly thund'rous flaring
strike thou wreakest with thy guns
131. It ignites, expands and's burning,
blasts help flame-tongues with their binge,
all the sea around is turning
crimson with a gory tinge
132. Now the warlords are all drowning
not a single body spared.
Patriarch rejoice by counting 21
from the depths thou liest bared!
133. During Easter friends were meeting
with their enemies amiss
and their lips were trembling greeting
them and offering a kiss
134. On those laurels ye have scattered, 22
no, his foot he cannot press
and the hand ye kissed lies shattered,
no more, it can no more bless
135. Mourn ye all because the leader
of our church and our belief,
mourn ye, mourn, is hanging thither
like he were some murd'rous thief!
136. His mouth gaping open broadly
just hours after it received
the Lord's Blood and the Lord's Body;
'tis as if he wants to give
137. ...again the curse that he was shouting
just 'fore he was done unright,
to whomever isn't fighting
and ιs capable to fight
138. I can hear her rumbling, fighting
in the open sea, on land
and while roaring she's igniting
an eternal flame that's grand
139. The heart piecemeal shred and tested.
Wait! My hand aback she grips,
to stay silent I'm requested
by the finger on her lips
140. She turns 'round and hesitating
peers at Europe for three times 23
then her eyes turn concentrating
back on Greece, she says these lines:
141. Hear, my lads, 'tis like fete making
any war for you, no sweat,
and your knees are never shaking
in the face of any threat
142. All the forces are restraining
clear from you with sword in sheath,
one invincible's remaining,
plucking off your laurel wreath
143. One, that when content, dog tired
you are coming back red hot,
slaked by victories and fired
ah, it stirs your mind and thought
144. 'Tis Discord who holds beguiling 24
royal mace, the cunning shrew,
and to everyone she's smiling,
saying "take it, thou shouldst too"
145. This slick mace she's slyly showing
truly hath a splendid guise
touch it not, because 'tis stowing
bitter tears ere now and cries
146. From a voice that hates you madly,
nay lads, let it not be heard
that your clout is turning gladly
unto your own brother's head
147. Let the foreign nations nother
think nor truly say with phlegm:
"If they're hating one another
liberty is not for them"
148. Care for maces not a smidgen;
all the blood that shall be shed
for the homeland and religion
worth the same outside who bled
149. For this blood ye aren't prising
for your faith and homeland too
start, I pray you, compromising
kiss, embrace like brothers do
150. How much left, be not shortsighted,
how much more to win these wars!
Victory, if ye're united
shall each single time be yours.
151. Oh ye heroes brave and cited
raise a Cross and loudly cry
with one voice, one heart, united:
"Noble Kings turn here thine eye!"
152. The one symbol ye all worship
is this one, for this ye all
see us gory and by curs hit,
struggling, back against the wall
153. They are always execrating
it, the curs, and dump on it
and its children decimating,
at its faith they scorn and spit
154. 'Tis for this we're shedding sleepless
christian blood unjustly too
that is screaming from the deepness
of the night: Revenge is due
155. Hark ye not, ye chosen vessels
of our God, this awful yell?
Now for centuries it deafens
not a moment did it quell
156. Hark ye not the clamour, rather
echoing like Abel's blare?
No, the wind does not so wuther
nor 'tis howling o'er your hair!
157. Now what will ye? Will ye let us
to develop a free land
or perchance will ye beset us
just as politics command? 25
158. If this is what ye are deeming
here behold the Cross, review!
Noble Kings then come ye teeming!
Come ye swift and strike it too!
  • 1. Rigas Feraios wrote a hymn based on the french Marseillaise calling Greeks to arise, the hymn was also translated lyrically in english and augmented by Lord Byron
  • 2. At the time the Ionian Islands were a federation (United States of Ionian Islands) protectorate of the United Kingdom
  • 3. England feared Russia would expand at the expense of the Ottomans
  • 4. Prince Metternich of the Austrian Empire
  • 5. Every defender over the age of 14 was drafted
  • 6. The city, Tripoli, didn't have any castle, only a citadel call Big Tapia
  • 7. The fall of Tripoli was the first great victory for the revolted and ended up in the largest by far massacre of the war committed by the greek side because, as the poet tries to rationalise, the attackers were driven by a vengeful rage over the loss of dear ones and the hatred accumulated over years of oppression
  • 8. The yellow crescent moon was the symbol on the Ottoman flag, while the white cross on a blue background was the Greek flag, the Greek flag was first raised in Corinth
  • 9. Stanzas 83 to 86 are inspired from the 3rd canto of Lord Byron's Don Juan, and "I see them too" refers to Lord Byron, so the translation is adapted to both texts. The "shadow" is a reference to Psalm 23 "even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death..." since Liberty is walking through the valley of death in the previous stanza. The use of first person is a reference to Pindaric odes
  • 10. Missolonghi (pronounced Miss-o-ló-nghi) was sieged on Oct.1822 by sea and land by the Ottoman army, it's the city where Lord Byron left, one and a half year later, his final breath and heart literally since it was buried there at his request while his body was sent back to England
  • 11. Isaiah 35:1 - Thrills the barren desert with rejoicing; the wilderness takes heart, and blossoms, fair as the lily.
  • 12. Only the lower clergy openly supported the war of independence
  • 13. The Ottoman army sieging Missolonghi planned an attack on the early hours of Christmas, expecting that most of the besieged would be in churches, but they were informed about this and the churches were empty
  • 14. Book of Revelation 1:8, 21:6, 22:13 - I am the Alpha and Omega
  • 15. Achelous (pronounced Akh-e-ló-ous) is a large river the Ottoman army, sieging Missolonghi, tried to cross while retreating and suffered heavy losses due to its rushing waters
  • 16. Hagia Sophia (pronounced Ha-gheé-ah Sho-pheé-ah OR Ha-ghiáh Sho-phiáh which is the case here) is the orthodox christian cathedral, seat of the patriarchate of Constantinople. Constantinople apart from the centre of orthodox christianity was considered the capital from Byzantine times.
  • 17. Brother of the Sun and Moon was one of the titles of the Ottoman Sultan
  • 18. Exodus 14: The Crossing of the Red Sea
  • 19. Exodus 15: The Song of Moses and Miriam
  • 20. Mansur al Liwa 84 cannon 2 decker was destroyed by fireship Oct. 29 1822 near Tenedos. Another two-decker was destroyed by fireship near Chios Jun 1, 1822, in both cases the admirals were killed. The greek fleet was composed of converted light merchant ships, and lighter boats used as fireships.
  • 21. Patriarch Gregory V was hanged by order of the Sultan on Easter Sunday (Apr 22,1821) in liturgical vestment for 3 days and then his body was desecrated and dumped in the Bosporus sea
  • 22. Laurel leaves are used by greek orthodox christians instead of palm leaves on Palm Sunday
  • 23. Referring to the three great powers of Europe at the time, Russia, United Kingdom and France which intervened in favour of Greece a few years later (after the Hymn to Liberty was written) when Egyptian forces started to tip the scale in favour of the Ottomans. Greece was constantly trying to raise support from other christian nations even before the revolution (as the hymn implies earlier) but was unsuccessful since only Russia responded while the rest of the european nations scared from the Napoleonic wars tried to maintain the status quo.
  • 24. After the first victories there were strong disputes between Greek factions trying to form a goverment about who's in charge and the way forward
  • 25. Referring to the Concert of Europe that was influenced strongly by Prince Metternich
Please help to translate "Greek & Cypriot ..."
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   Mon, 14/04/2014 - 05:54

I just noticed that you completed your translation! :bigsmile: Now comes the daunting task of finishing my own /faint. s)
congrats! :D

   Mon, 14/04/2014 - 05:58

Yeap, it was quite an undertaking, take your time, tell me if you spot any parts that need improvement

zorcocukzorcocuk    Fri, 27/06/2014 - 09:12

OMG!!! Is real version of the Greek anthem that so much long? :O

   Sat, 28/06/2014 - 10:50

It is the longest anthem worldwide but only the first two verses are usually sung

   Thu, 01/06/2017 - 16:04

158 singable stanzas, all rhymed (!), an ancient language which seems quite suitable for the content of the song and, moreover, detailed explanations - this is a really impressive work! Thank you, Evan!!

George GkoumasGeorge Gkoumas    Tue, 25/09/2018 - 19:04

Συγχαρητήρια! Ευχαριστούμε πολύ!

Giostoutheou07Giostoutheou07    Wed, 29/04/2020 - 03:42

What a brilliant find I have found! Thank you, “Evan”, for the clearly arduous task you have graciously undertaken! Let this translation be recognized for years to come.