These are a few of my favorite ...songs

Créé par Dr_Igor le 04 oct 2020 | Dernière modification par Dr_Igor 19 mai 2022
These are a few of my favorite ...songs

The name says it all

I also really like these particular renditions.

If you disagree, you know what not to do

I am holding back jazzier songs and singers for a separate collection

Songs are being added and removed all the time so keep checking back .


The best take on this subtly beautiful French song.
Check out other translations of this song under Francoise Hardy

Traductions :  anglais
+2 de plus

Что тут еще скажешь...

Traductions :  allemand
+9 de plus

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  persan
+4 de plus
, roumain, russe #1, #2, #3

Who knew that a 3-chord song can be so beautiful.

Traductions :  albanais
+52 de plus
, allemand, anglais #1, #2, #3, arabe, autre, azéri, bulgare, chinois, coréen, croate, espagnol #1, #2, finnois, grec #1, #2, hébreu #1, #2, hongrois #1, #2, italien, japonais, kazakh, kirghiz, néerlandais, persan #1, #2, #3, #4, polonais, portugais #1, #2, roumain #1, #2, russe #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, serbe, suédois, turc #1, #2, ukrainien #1, #2, #3, #4, vietnamien #1, #2

If Al Bano has any unrepented sins or skeletons in his closet, it's all forgiven for this one song.

Traductions :  français #1
+39 de plus
, #2, #3, afrikaans, albanais, allemand, anglais #1, #2, arménien, bulgare #1, #2, catalan, croate #1, #2, espagnol #1, #2, finnois, grec #1, #2, hongrois, japonais, kirghiz, letton, lituanien, macédonien #1, #2, polonais, portugais, roumain #1, #2, #3, russe #1, #2, #3, #4, serbe, slovaque, turc, ukrainien, vietnamien

Eva, a national and international treasure. So underappreciated when she was with us.
Forgive us, if you can.

7. Lara Fabian - Je t'aime français 

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  albanais
+76 de plus
, allemand, anglais #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, arabe #1, #2, #3, azéri #1, #2, bosnien, bulgare #1, #2, catalan, chinois, coréen, créole haïtien, croate, espagnol #1, #2, grec #1, #2, #3, #4, hébreu, hongrois #1, #2, indonésien, italien, japonais, kirghiz #1, #2, macédonien, monténégrin, persan #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, polonais, portugais, roumain #1, #2, #3, #4, russe #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, serbe #1, #2, #3, #4, slovaque #1, #2, suédois, turc #1, #2, #3, ukrainien #1, #2, vénitien, vietnamien

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

The man who made the song. And he didn't even write it.

Traductions :  français
+26 de plus
, allemand #1, #2, arabe, coréen, espagnol, finnois #1, #2, #3, grec #1, #2, hébreu, hongrois, indonésien, italien #1, #2, latin, néerlandais, portugais, russe, same du Nord, serbe #1, #2, suédois, tchèque, turc #1, #2

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  anglais, russe

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  français
+3 de plus

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  anglais, russe

13. Frida Boccara - L'île nue français 

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  allemand
+4 de plus

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  russe

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  français
+4 de plus
, allemand, grec #1, #2, persan

16. Zaz - Historia de un amor espagnol 

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  français

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

18. Lara Fabian - Adagio anglais Sous-titres

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  français
+33 de plus
, allemand, arabe, biélorusse, bosnien, catalan, chinois, coréen, espagnol, finnois, grec, hébreu, hongrois #1, #2, italien, japonais, kurde, persan #1, #2, portugais, roumain #1, #2, russe #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, serbe #1, #2, #3, turc #1, #2, ukrainien, vietnamien

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  allemand
+9 de plus

20. Julie London - Sway anglais 

Julie the Goddess. The coolest. They don't make them like this any more...

21. Mina - Maruzzella napolitain 

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  italien, russe

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  français
+54 de plus
, allemand #1, #2, #3, anglais #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, arabe, biélorusse, bulgare, chinois #1, #2, croate, estonien, grec, hébreu #1, #2, hindi, hongrois #1, #2, #3, japonais, kurde (sorani), letton, néerlandais #1, #2, persan #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, polonais, portugais #1, #2, roumain, russe #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, serbe, slovène, suédois, tchèque, turc #1, #2, ukrainien, yiddish

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  albanais
+3 de plus

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  français
+32 de plus
, albanais, allemand, anglais #1, #2, #3, arabe, biélorusse, bulgare, croate, espagnol, grec, hongrois, japonais, polonais, roumain, russe #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, serbe, tchèque, turc #1, #2, ukrainien #1, #2, #3

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  français

26. Milva - Stranieri italien 

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  russe

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  anglais, japonais

28. Milva - Canzone italien 

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  allemand
+8 de plus

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

This is a song. It is being sung by a VERY YOUNG BUT VERY GOOD singer

Traductions :  persan

This is a song. It is being sung by a VERY YOUNG BUT VERY GOOD singer

Traductions :  russe

This is a song. It is being sung by a VERY YOUNG BUT VERY GOOD singer

Traductions :  allemand, hongrois

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  allemand
+3 de plus
, anglais #1, #2, persan

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  français
+3 de plus
, russe #1, #2, #3

36. Tom Jones - Delilah! anglais Sous-titres

Traductions :  français
+30 de plus
, allemand #1, #2, bulgare, croate, espagnol, grec, hébreu, hongrois, indonésien, italien #1, #2, persan #1, #2, philippin/tagalog, polonais, portugais, roumain, russe #1, #2, #3, #4, serbe #1, #2, turc #1, #2, #3, ukrainien, vietnamien #1, #2, #3

37. Gianni Morandi - Angela napolitain 

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer


Traductions :  grec
+6 de plus

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer with a little help from his fiends

Traductions :  français #1
+33 de plus
, #2, allemand, arabe, bulgare, croate, danois, espagnol #1, #2, espéranto, finnois #1, #2, grec, hébreu #1, #2, hongrois #1, #2, italien #1, #2, japonais, néerlandais, polonais, portugais #1, #2, roumain, russe #1, #2, serbe #1, #2, suédois #1, #2, #3, turc #1, #2

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer with a little help from his fiends

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer with a little help from his fiends

Traductions :  français #1
+36 de plus
, #2, allemand, arabe #1, #2, bulgare, coréen, croate, espagnol, espéranto, finnois #1, #2, grec #1, #2, hébreu #1, #2, #3, hongrois, italien, japonais, macédonien, néerlandais, norvégien, persan, polonais, portugais, roumain, russe #1, #2, #3, serbe, suédois, turc, ukrainien #1, #2, vietnamien #1, #2

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer with a little help from his fiends

Traductions :  français #1
+34 de plus

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer with a little help from his fiends

Traductions :  français #1
+33 de plus
, #2, allemand #1, #2, bulgare #1, #2, espagnol #1, #2, espéranto, finnois, grec, hébreu #1, #2, hongrois #1, #2, italien, néerlandais #1, #2, persan, polonais, portugais #1, #2, #3, roumain #1, #2, russe #1, #2, #3, serbe #1, #2, #3, suédois #1, #2, turc

Proud to be part Israeli every time I hear Shlomo sing

Traductions :  anglais #1
+3 de plus

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  anglais

This is a song. It is being sung by a singer

Traductions :  anglais

Our apologies to Tenco fans, we are among them. Milva is just a much better singer.

Traductions :  allemand, russe

It would be considered blasphemy by millions to prefer Maryla's rendition to Vysotsky's. So be it.
Enjoy the footage of V.S.

Ageless Maryla and her perennial #1 hit

Traductions :  français
+15 de plus
, allemand, anglais #1, #2, croate, italien, russe #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, slovaque, suédois, ukrainien #1, #2

Those who consider a Polish-Russian a strange choice for a classic Neapolitan song just listen.

Traductions :  allemand
+3 de plus

Nikolay Gumilyov's lyrics

Traductions :  anglais #1
+4 de plus

Imagine what it is about - ice cream. And it is delicious.

Traductions :  russe #1
+4 de plus

Traductions :  français
+18 de plus
, allemand, anglais #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, grec, italien, néerlandais, persan, polonais, roumain, russe #1, #2, serbe #1, #2, suédois, turc

Not a big fan of Celine, but this is the most seductive song by any singer I know.

Traductions :  français
+17 de plus
, allemand, arabe, bulgare #1, #2, grec, hongrois, néerlandais #1, #2, #3, persan #1, #2, #3, portugais, roumain, serbe, slovaque, turc

As a student of French ( not really) I can appreciate her pronunciation of the English word "acceptance".
And the song itself is not bad.

Traductions :  français
+8 de plus

Если в Вашей жизни не было "гениальной Ленки" Казанцевой,
то в ней был пробел Но Вам повезло - мы его будем заполнять.

Сошлись два гиганта - композитор и поэт. Да и певец совсем не плох

Traductions :  français #1
+4 de plus

58. Hiba Tawaji - Avec le Temps français 

Always choosing the better singer over the author. And who can compete with Hiba...

Traductions :  finnois

Nobody sings this song better than Larisa. And a great many tried...

Susana... Mon amour perdu...

The song that created a controversy here at LT. Come on... what controversy?

Traductions :  anglais

To the question "The best French Canadian female singer" you answered: "Celine Dion". That is incorrect. What, you want a clue? Here're three. 1. She can sing in Italian 2. She is not very tall but truly beautiful 3. Her initials are IB.

64. Massimo Ranieri - Dicitencello vuie hébreu, napolitain 

There were so many great singers who did this song. I imagine Massimo was thinking: "How do I make my take stand out"
He found the way.

Traductions :  anglais

One of the best songs of Sovok period of XX century. And it is Lemeshev

Traductions :  anglais #1, #2

66. Luigi Tenco - Angela italien 

Here you go, Tenco fans. The maestro himself this time. And don't confuse it with Gino Paoli's Angela, also in this collection.
Two different songs - both great.

Traductions :  français

Imagine that the guy (don't want to mention his name) who wrote the lyrics of the English adaptation
"Those were the days" sued and won the copyright on the whole song, including music. I don't think he's
changed a single note. World class Chutzpah.

Gardel would have been proud. Or maybe he was...

Caterina Valente deserved a good song to represent her in this collection. And here you go, a really good song.
No idea if the lyrics of this Italian adaptation are any good or, for that matter, the original Portuguese ones.
But the song is great regardless. Call it "A day in the life of a fool" and it still works.

Traductions :  allemand

Beautiful tango, beautiful Hindi Zahra, beautiful singing...

Traductions :  français
+8 de plus


Traductions :  anglais #1, #2

Great video footage. As if Larisa ever needed anything to make a stronger impression.

Traductions :  anglais

Some things never get old...

Traductions :  allemand
+5 de plus

True story. One day a couple of years ago my Mom was sitting on a bench near their apartment building in Nazareth, Israel .
Then she saw a guy walking out of their entrance. She said, amazing how this guy looks just like Anton Makarskiy.
Turns out it was not a copy, it was the original. Talk about small world... They took a picture together with some neighbors joining in

Traductions :  anglais

Maria Puare would have been proud for sure.

The original plan was to have Dina Vierny rendition which would have been good too. But this one is more than just good.
And don't be fooled by the clownish act. This woman is extremely talented

Lyuda Sokolova is a bright spot on the current Russian pop scene. She was a runner-up in the competition to represent
Кони привередливые in this collection

Traductions :  turc

I think, Anna Ahmatova would have been OK with this take. Planning to have Nina's delicious jazzy takes on some famous Russian
romance songs in the future jazz themed collection.

Traductions :  anglais

Vertinsky is "just" the author. The singer is Katya Lintsevich. The most interesting take I was able to find

Traductions :  anglais #1
+2 de plus

I sure can relate - it was my year too.

Traductions :  russe

It looks like Angelina Jordan, being the miracle that she is, discovered the "secret sauce" that improves the quality of singing:
just get rid of the shoes. Certainly worked for Katia. She was good when she wasn't barefoot, but not this good.

Some artists are not just one in a generation. How about one in the history of the country.

Traductions :  anglais
+4 de plus

That's what I'm saying: Celentano - per sempre.

Traductions :  allemand
+6 de plus
, anglais #1, #2, espagnol, polonais, russe, serbe

Frida forever.

Traductions :  anglais
+2 de plus

She was an inspiration to us, Jewish kids in SU. Even before the six day war. Знай наших, you stupid fucks!

Traductions :  italien
+2 de plus

The final choice was between Dina and Lyudmila Senchina. Guess who won out.

I'm opinionated, so 1) O.M. would have approved 2) Пугачева отдыхает

To choose most deserving songs by V.S. It's tough. But you have to do it.

Traductions :  français
+12 de plus
, allemand, anglais #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, bulgare, espagnol, finnois #1, #2, serbe, turc

Дина планировалась в эту коллекцию со Свадебной Лесбийской но там перебили

Langues :  russe → anglais

Créé par sandring le Samedi, avril 16, 2016

Не уходи had to be in the collection, Pelageya probably had to be in the collection.So here you go.
Irina Krutova, though, was every bit as good. Or better?

Traductions :  anglais
+5 de plus

Larisa had to have at least three entries. She could have had 10. Still looking for youtube video of her doing
стаканчики граненые. everybody else отдыхает

A song that grows on you

Traductions :  anglais, russe

98. Buika - Somos espagnol 

Traductions :  anglais, serbe

Traductions :  anglais
+2 de plus

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Dim, 04/10/2020 - 18:02

“Some songs we really like and you should too“ — whether you should or might, please come and take a look. Please leave a suggestion or note if you found something old/new, touching/interesting, sentimental/romantic, etc.

   Mer, 07/10/2020 - 00:27

Juanes for sure.
Historia de un amor we have by ZAZ, will check pedro.
Andy Williams I don't think so , maybe when we run out of other ideas
Banderas I have no idea what his singing is like, will check out

vevvevvevvev    Mer, 07/10/2020 - 00:44

Название коллекции ввело меня в заблуждение, простите.

   Mer, 07/10/2020 - 00:52

За что? Предложения очень даже приветствуются, а некоторые даже принимаются :-)

Про Juanes я может быть не вспомнил даже, и был бы неправ

Мы думали про 100 песен но такими темпами скоро перевалим...

vevvevvevvev    Mer, 07/10/2020 - 00:55

"...we really like..." - нам, это кому?

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Dim, 11/10/2020 - 01:11

I love Andy Williams’ speak softly love!
I saw this entry was removed. I respect ownership, but misunderstood what collaborator means - took myself out - it’s a great collection and it is all yours, Igor.

R_T_fexR_T_fex    Mer, 07/10/2020 - 01:17

" I think I have a broken rib"
Диана! Что, серьёзно? :(
И как тебя...?

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Mer, 07/10/2020 - 01:28

Not bad if I don’t move or inhale. I think the word is блин!

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Mer, 07/10/2020 - 01:38

D, are you Ok? Do you need much stronger word than блин? We are here for you. 🥰😻

R_T_fexR_T_fex    Mer, 07/10/2020 - 07:52

Такая же напасть была у меня в марте - поскользнулся неудачно. Диагноз семейный врач ставил по телефону (зато бесплатно, хе-хе).
Спать было очень неудобно, а так - почти нормально. Похоже?
Минимум на месяца полтора это, если бок не тревожить.

   Mer, 07/10/2020 - 03:30

There will be zero response from me until you tell us that you're OK physically.
In the meantime I am suspending all changes to the collection.

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Mer, 07/10/2020 - 07:55

Not OK but functioning. Thanks. I am really sorry for the imposition.

IgeethecatIgeethecat    Mer, 07/10/2020 - 01:53

А Софушки в этой коллекции что-то не видно? Лаванду и Червону Руту пол-страны used to love and you should too 🤣

BlackSea4everBlackSea4ever    Mer, 07/10/2020 - 07:50

M, lavanda is here - it’s just the original Dance Me To the End of Love 😉

   Mer, 07/10/2020 - 09:54

Due to unhealthy agiotage, I am reversing my ruling on welcoming suggestions. Please don't bother.
Only thanks are allowed.

   Mer, 07/10/2020 - 05:32

D, what happened? Do you really have a broken rib? I’m confused! How are you?

AquaticFlintAquaticFlint    Mer, 23/06/2021 - 21:10

Igor, I took the time to look at the link you provided Monday. I can recognize a few artists but not much, so this announces a lot of discoveries! :) And the fact that you chose multiple languages is also great, like there is Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, Hebrew, and more! Will be listening to them during my breaks. Best regards.