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Расцветали яблони и груши
Поплыли туманы над рекой
Выходила на берег Катюша
На высокий берег на крутой
Выходила, песню заводила
Про степного сизого орла
Про того, которого любила
Про того, чьи письма берегла
Ой, ты, песня, песенка девичья
Ты лети за ясным солнцем вслед
И бойцу на дальнем пограничье
От Катюши передай привет
Пусть он вспомнит девушку простую
Пусть услышит, как она поёт
Пусть он землю бережёт родную
А любовь Катюша сбережёт
Расцветали яблони и груши
Поплыли туманы над рекой
Выходила на берег Катюша
На высокий берег на крутой


Apple trees and pear trees were blooming
O'er the river hung the morning mist
Out to shore went the little girl, Katyusha
To the edge of a steep and rocky cliff
Out to shore went the little girl, Katyusha
To the edge of a steep and rocky cliff
As she walked, she sang a little love song
To the giant eagle of the steppe
To the eagle, she sang about her loved one
Of her dear whose letters she had kept
To the eagle, she sang about her loved one
Of her dear whose letters she had kept
Oh, the song, the song that you have sung me
Fly away, the sun will lead you there
Find your hero in the foreign country
Greet him well, Katyusha when youŕe there
Find your hero in the foreign country
Greet him well, Katyusha when youŕe there
Let him not forget his simple maiden
Let him hear the love song that she sends
Let him know as he serves for his homeland
Dear Katyusha, your love he will defend
Let him know as he serves for his homeland
Dear Katyusha, your love he will defend
Apple trees and pear trees were blooming
O'er the river hung the morning mist
Out to shore went a little girl, Katyusha
To the edge of a steep and rocky cliff
Out to shore went a little girl, Katyusha
To the edge of a steep and rocky cliff.